THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 542

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
On March 24 , at 11 a . m ., I went to the Cerrillos Police Station and made my statement . There was not much I knew about the murders , and they did not doubt this , since they had verified my alibi : for this they sent two policemen who made the reverse way to Santa María , collected testimonials about our trip from 0.30 to 8.00 a . m ., they asked the phone operator , who knew my voice from calling Cerrillos frequently , and they interrogated José Tolaba and his wife , Uncle Kurt ' s butlers . No , about my absence at the crime scene they did not doubt , nor were they suspicious of Uncle Kurt ; what they presumed , both the police and the Judge , was that I knew the motive for the crime , which had been discarded as a common crime . Could it be a mistake ? Would there be an unknown political purpose ? What was I on to ? What were my ideas and activities ? Why had I moved away from the Church ? Would my parents have received previous threats ? Was there extortion ?
Thus , bombarding me with similar questions , they kept me until 5 in the afternoon and promised to summon me again .
On March 24 , at 10:00 a . m ., while I was getting ready to go to the Police station , Uncle Kurt started working with Ying and Yang . Upon returning in the afternoon , the Daivas dogs had already managed to isolate the trail of the black car : Uncle Kurt designated it with a key word and , mentally affirming it , demonstrated to me in an effective way how the Daivas dogs went directly to the site where it was parked .
On March 25 , Uncle Kurt dedicated the entire day to building the order with the Kilkor svadi : the whole operation depended on the precision of that order and it was understandable his meticulousness . He only took a few hours to coordinate with me the movements we would make against our enemies . For example , we agreed that he would shoot first , and always to the left , while I should cover the right . On March 25 I dedicated entirely to leave the operation of the farm in good working order . Some neighbors , by participating in the product of the harvest , gladly agreed to take care of the vineyards and the future grape picking ; it would not be a difficult task because Dad had the production mechanisms properly oiled and all the work would come down to managing the field and supervising the operators . We signed an improvised contract , in which I included a clause completely out of the ordinary : they compromised to clean the winery and inject the 20,000 liters of Tar in one of the farm ' s water wells , whose water table dried up years ago and whose mouth was still open with a cistern . I did this because he could not take the risk that the Pitch would be sold or used energetically : I did not forget for a moment that that lake of asphalt constituted an organic synthesis of our blood , which represented the blood of the Von Sübermann Lineage .
On March 25 , at 6:00 p . m ., I finally acquired the only item that Uncle Kurt requested to complete the tactical equipment : a teflon jug , with hermetic screw top , filled with five liters of sulfuric acid .
On March 26 , 1980 , we were ready to start the operation .
Chapter XII
We could have taken action that same morning , but Uncle Kurt preferred to wait for dusk and spend the day going over every last detail of " Operation Boomerang ". We had dubbed it this way , a bit jokingly and a bit seriously , considering that , analogously to those Australian weapons , the blows of Bera and Birsha would return against those who launched them .
At 7:00 p . m . we were already loading the equipment and getting ready to depart . At 7:30 p . m . we left the house , because the dying twilight would prevent anyone from being amazed to see us wearing military garb . Lying by the lapacho trees , the mastiffs were the image of canine tranquility . We also kept calm . And we no longer thought of anything . We knew all the details of what we should do and our only concern was to act as soon as possible .
Uncle Kurt took the reins of the Daivas dogs and put them on alert . Both of them stopped abruptly and , moving with prodigious synchronicity , tensed their muscles and moved their heads up , as if sniffing in the air an inconceivable trace . I stayed behind Uncle Kurt ; he carried on his back , the acid jug attached with strings , and hanging from the shoulder , ready to shoot , the relentless Itaka . Finally , we had decided to wear the commando uniform because it ' s invaluably more practical for action , although later it would represent a problem if we were seen by other people . But , what could that risk matter in the face of suppressing the oriental assassins ? If the fate of arms turned out to be adverse to us , there would be no return ; and if we were successful , we would find a way to get other clothes . Or were the assassins not also in disguise too , not giving a damn what the witnesses thought ?
I had , therefore , both hands free , in order to fulfill Uncle Kurt ' s instructions : -- “ You must hold on to my waist as soon as I begin to elevate ”. " And when we are in space , remember that you