THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 541

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
I looked at him discouraged . How could I explain to him that the Rituals would be effective if those who performed them are Magicians of the quality of Bera and Birsha ? He must have read the disappointment on my face because he raised his arms in an expression of stop and backed towards his car smiling .
– Not now , not now , Dr . You are as tired as I am and it is not convenient to continue with the hypothesis but to go to sleep as soon as possible . When you come back , I told you . You will see that then you will find a way to explain it to me ! He left immediately , and I never saw him again .
That night , a sepulchral silence descended on the Farm . Uncle Kurt spent an hour examining the weapons , while I used that time to bury Canuto . My faithful dog had received a kind of lightning bolt in the middle of the body , perhaps a blow from the Dordje , and he was turned into a rag : he would never wait for me at the gate to give me his affection , during those two hundred meters to the house that belonged only to him . And never again I would never see my parents , and my sister with her children , at the end of the road . Damn Demons Bera and Birsha ! Damn Priests of The One Jehovah Satan ! Damn Sacred Sacrificers ! Soon , very soon we would see each other again and they would be executed . Not " Bera and Birsha " because , as Uncle Kurt repeated , " the Immortals cannot die ", but we could kill the " oriental assassins ” of my family , the human manifestation of Bera and Birsha . They would know my fury ; Uncle Kurt ' s ; and that of all the members of the House of Tharsis who They murdered , tormented , and persecuted , and who now seemed to come in my aid and encourage me . Because if I had the willpower to impose myself on Uncle Kurt and force him to accept my plan it was simply because of that : because I was certain that eliminating the oriental assassins was a question of Honor ; above all things ; and I clearly felt that in that longing I was spiritually accompanied by the House of Tharsis . I clearly saw Belicena Villca ; and I listened her speak to me , that she referred to the last words of her letter and said to me : “ Yes , Dr . Siegnagel ; it ' s a question of Honor to finish off Bera and Birsha ! They have made a mistake and you should take advantage of it ; the House of Tharsis accompanies you in your decision ! Now you will prove that you are a Kshatriya ! And then , very soon , we will meet again during the Final Battle , or in the Valhalla !”.
The Spirit of Belicena Villca guided me ; I was sure of it ; maybe it was She who brought Commissioner Maidana to Cerrillos so opportunely . I finished burying Canuto at the foot of my favorite lapacho , and returned to the house .
Uncle Kurt had retired to the upper room taking with him the entire equipment . I drank the umpteenth coffee of the day and went turning off the lights until I reached my room , that is , to the room that belonged to Katalina , and quickly immersed myself into the restful indifference of sleep .
Chapter XI On January 6 , 1980 , Belicena Villca was assassinated . On January 21 , 1980 , I experienced the spiritual rapture of the Virgin of Agartha . On January 28 , 1980 , I found out that I had an uncle Kurt von Sübermann and I left for Santa
María . On March 21 , 1980 , Uncle Kurt concluded the account of his life and , that night , I was detected by the Demon Bera . On March 22 , 1980 , at 0.15 a . m ., the Demons try to exterminate the Von Sübermann Lineage .
As a result , all the family members die , except Uncle Kurt and Me . On March 22 , at 8:00 a . m . we arrived in Cerrillos and confirmed a quintuple murder , according to the version of the police . On March 23 , at 0.30 a . m ., Commissioner Maidana comes to bring me his condolences , and to bring armed protection . On March 23 , at 5.45 a . m ., Commissioner Maidana informs us about the existence of the " oriental assassins " and their strange vehicle . On March 23 , at 7.05 a . m ., the Commissioner of Cerrillos showed us the identikits of the oriental assassins . At that time I had already conceived my plan until the last detail . On March 23 , at 8.45 a . m ., I convince Uncle Kurt to consult my plan with Captain Kiev . On March 23 , at 10:30 a . m ., we close a deal with Commissioner Maidana : he will give us material help in exchange for staying on the case . On March 23 , at 8:00 p . m ., Commissioner Maidana left Cerrillos , after handing us over the commando equipments ; I would never see him again . On March 23 , at 11:00 p . m ., I went to sleep for the first time since the disastrous night of the 21st .