THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 522

The Mistery of Belicena Villca after Uncle Kurt perceived it , I heard it clearly , filling the atmosphere with the sensation of the arrival of an innumerable swarm . But at that point it was impossible to react because the pressure on the heart did not admit distractions . I let myself fall backwards , until my head hit the pillow , and I relaxed the best I could ; unconsciously I covered my ears with my hands , but the mortal sound penetrated the same , every moment with more intensity ; and the heart , completely out of control , seemed to want to get off my chest . And the worst was yet to come .
I was experiencing increasing paralysis throughout my entire body and I reasoned , already in the end of psychic resistance , that the best mental tactic to fight against the mighty Willpower of the Demons would consist of concentrating in the thought of an idea alien to the terrible reality of the Dordje . Think of another thing , but in what ? Oh Gods , how miserly of ideas can become a fanciful imagination like mine in a similar extreme situation , when animal life is at stake ! And how much more miserly it must become if , as the Hyperborean Wisdom assures , the Created Soul is ready to betray us since its substance is part of the Creator , participant of its Archetype in image and likeness ! There I verified it without a doubt : the Soul would always betray the Spirit , the Self , to favor the Will of the Demons , who belong to the White Hierarchy in which unfolds and chains the One-Creator ! Because suddenly I finally had a saving idea : it was a memory of my student days in college , when I attended Biology classes . And I got carried away by the memory ; and it seemed for a moment that I was free from the pressure of the Dordje . Yes ; the Soul , owner of memory and memories , had finally obeyed the will of the Self and took me out of that deadly reality . It was a Biology class , I remembered perfectly ; I was surrounded by dozens of classmates ; What was the class about ? Oh yes ! Insect Physiology ! Now Professor Jacobo Cañás entered the Master Classroom and began to impart the class . Theme : “ the common bee ; also classified with the name of Apis mellifica by Linnaeus ; Apis doméstica by Reaumur ; Apis cerifera by Scopoli ; Apis gregaria by Geoffroy ; and many other names with which the Great Naturalists have designated the same insect ”.
I lacked the strength to get out of the memory . Someone inside me , the same that tried to sink me into the Abyss the night of the Salta seism , had betrayed me again . Ah , if I had ascended for help to the Virgin of Agartha , as then , if I had let me be kidnapped by Her Divine Grace ! For sure , that kidnapping of the Absolute Woman was what the Kâulikas called the Kula . The Kula would have transformed me into Akula , into a living Shiva , and the Spirit would have situated " beyond Kula and Akula ". Surely , then , that was the true way of salvation to get out of the enclosure of the Demons , which I did not know how to find from the outset due to a manifest lack of faith in Myself , because of the distrust in the fact that my Spirit could really be loved by the Goddess of Eternal Liberation .
Instead , I remained in the class of Professor Jacobo Cañás : “ the Hymenopteran hum is generally a combination of three different tones , generated in different organs . The most intense is that of the wings , although it is the least frequent : for the same specimen of Apis mellifica , it varies statistically between a la of 440 cycles per second and a mi of the same octave of 330 cycles per second ; the first tone corresponds to the rested bee , when leaving the hive ; the last , to the fatigued bee , at the end of its working day ”. I precisely perceived those tones ; I clearly heard the sound of flapping wings ; hymenoptera were flying towards me . “ The second tone that makes up the characteristic hum is produced by the vibration of the stigmas that carry air to the pulmonary tracheae : it is typically a si of 594 cycles per second , appreciably more sharp than the tone of the wings , but less intense ”. I now heard the hum of a bee ; the hum of a swarm ; the hum saturated my senses , it paralyzed my body , it invaded my mind . The hum was taking over my heartbeats and synchronizing them with its frequency ! The hum was killing me !
" The third tone , very weak , comes from the movement of the abdominal rings ”... I would never finish remembering Professor Jacobo Cañas ' class . In the paroxysm of the cardiac crisis , I suffered a sensation of unbearable heat , terrible , as if my body had been thrown suddenly in an incandescent oven . But no ; in the instant the thermal seizure lasted , I noticed that the Fire was not outside but inside of me ; that impregnated my whole body like a flaming liquid decomposing into fiery gases . And that liquid that burned was my blood .
The calorific impulse lasted an instant , which shook me to the rhythm of the bees hum , but I naturally thought I was dying : like a last agonizing vision I contemplated the faces of Mom , Katalina , my nephews , and many other relatives unknown until then but whose kinship was obvious . But all faces resembled each other , not by virtue of their genetic similarity , but because of the common expression they manifested , probably identical to mine at that moment : they were all faces in agony , faces of human beings who died in great pain ; their expressions reproduced the Expression of Death . And then it was all over .