THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 521

The Mistery of Belicena Villca my unconscious predisposition to grasp the symbols of the Kilkor , from " beyond Kula and Akula ”, the cause for the perception of Uncle Kurt ' s order . The same had happened with the moans of the Tibetan mastiffs that expressed their contained wishes to attack : everything was mental , extrasensory perceptions , symbols that the ignorance of my reason translated as originated by sounds , the illusion of sounds . Of course , only I , or someone who possessed as me " the Sign of the Origin " could have heard them : any " normal " person , no matter how much training his auditory sense possessed , would have only noticed the presence of the dogs when the mortal jaws had closed on his limbs .
Anyway , Uncle Kurt had agreed , like so many things that were left unfinished , to allow Me to use it according to his indications ; but the occasion did not appear and I did not get to do any kind of practice on the mastiffs . That night , at fifteen or twenty to 12 , I entertained myself a long time fixing the image of the Kilkor in the mind and finally , without reflecting on it , I issued an order . That is to say , I composed the word of an order without imagining that this would be inexorably fulfilled . It was a simple directive , " bark " I thought , which in no way allowed us to suppose what it would cause .
Instantly , the mastiffs let out a heartbreaking , wolfish howl , and began to bark in duet , without stopping . The roars they launched were shocking , and very intense , so I sat up in bed , frozen with horror and despair . " They ' ll wake up Uncle Kurt ", I thought foolishly , and I concentrated on the Yantra again , trying to form a word that stopped the canine concert . I imagined that the word would be " silence " but , how do you say silence in Sanskrit or Tibetan , the only languages to which could be translated the concept with the key of the Kilkor svadi ? " Uncle Kurt had told me ”, I was assuring to myself , while I tried unsuccessfully to remember . And it was then that took place the first of a series of nefarious phenomena that would happen during that infernal night .
It happened as if my consciousness had suddenly expanded unlimitedly : I perceived the whole room at a single glance , but without looking , as if a will more powerful than mine compelled me to do so . Then I saw the exterior of the house , the Farm , all at once ; and the city of Santa María , and the road to Salta , and my own farm in Cerrillos . I saw Dad , Mom , Katalina , Enrique and Federico , my nephews , and even Canuto the dog . Like hypnotized , I saw everything and could not stop seeing . Suddenly , from the bottom of my field of vision , just in front of me , and as if emerging behind the Cumbres del Obispo , a point began to grow at prodigious speed until occupying my full attention . I will never forget it ! Taking the words that Princess Isa told , I would affirm that it was " the most hideous and abominable monster that one can imagine in an eternity of madness ", one " that cannot be described by any mortal without losing his sanity ". And what saved me from that Presence of Hell ? Undoubtedly the Virgin of Agartha , the Stone Seed that She deposited on January 21 in a human and mortal heart ; the Seed that , despite everything , had germinated and made me what I was now .
Because in the past I would have died right there , in front of the Demon that had contemplated me for an instant with a hatred that I never thought possible that anyone could experiment . But now I had enough strength to face him and take him away from me . Yes ; he disappeared from sight and the vision faded . Again I found myself in Santa Maria ' s room , sitting on the bed and listening to how the mastiffs howled nonstop . I understood in an instant that my mind , trying to silence the Daivas dogs , “ neglected ', offered a weak flank , and was " tuned ", captured , by a Demon of the White Fraternity , a representative of the Powers of Matter , perhaps the Immortal Bera , perhaps Rigden Jyepo , perhaps Enlil-Jehovah-Satan himself .
Obviously , I was not completely distracted because I heard , or thought I heard , Uncle Kurt ' s voice that thundered the words " Nischala miravâta svadi " directly inside my psyche , whereupon the dogs stopped immediate barking . The truth was that an instant later Uncle Kurt really did burst into my room , yelling “ Arturo ! Arturo !"
– Arturo ! You ' re okay , thank the Gods ! – he exclaimed when he turned on the light and made sure I was alive . What have you done , Arturo ? The Demon Bera has located you ! For a moment I felt him like that time in The Pitch glen , in Tibet ! I told him about my reckless use of the Yantra . – Oh , Arturo , --he was amazed-- you have been very strong in getting rid of him . But I don ' t think that ' s enough . I am afraid that the Druids have discovered this house . We will have to get out of here as soon as possible .
I didn ' t know what to say . Irrationally , I took the wristwatch from the bedside table and looked at the time : " 0.10 hours " --I said-- and turned my head to Uncle Kurt , who was watching me with wild eyes .
It didn ' t take long for me to understand the reason for his horror : it was the hum , the unmistakable hum of the honey bees . In truth , that euphonic sound of the Dordje was only noticed when its complementary effects were already producing . At first I didn ' t notice , but then naturally