THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 520

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Uncle Kurt went to his room and came back with the leather case with hardware of silver that stored the precious work . He gave it to me without conditions and there I fired the second question :
– I was left curious of knowing what happened to the Tibetan Legion . If you don ' t mind wasting a minute , tell me synthetically what happened to them .
– I ' ll tell you . And it is not too long to tell . The part of the Legion that remained at its base in Assam , on the border with Bhutan , dispersed without making noise at the end of the war : some returned to the Kaulika Monasteries and others enlisted as mercenaries in later Asian wars : that of Chiang Kai- Shek against Mao and those of Korea and Vietnam . Those , in theory , survived WWII . But you surely ask me for the fate of Bangi , Srivirya , and the fifty legionaries who stayed in Berlin to guard the bunkerführer : about them I must confess you , with pride , that all died fighting the Russians . It ' s a funny episode : according to what was reported to me in those days , when I still had to flee from Germany , on the 30th of April the Russians managed to take the bunker but only at the terrible cost of ten to one . That is to say the Tibetans ended up with an infantry battalion of more than five hundred men . And the impact of that carnage was so impressive , carried out by a SS Asian Legion , that Stalin himself ordered the withdrawal and concealment of the Tibetan corpses and negotiated with the allies the official suppression of all news about the Tibetan Legion of the bunker . However , many independent researchers have mentioned the existence of the Legion and its courageous determination to defend the bunker till the end . Of course if the " official historians " are consulted , those who must live on academic or journalistic budgets , the version will be quite different : the Russians would have found the bunker almost unguarded ; and the Tibetan Legion never existed .
Chapter II
We said goodbye until the next day , with the order of leaving immediately towards Tucumán . After all , it had been almost three months since the murder of Belicena Villca and I had not yet tried to fulfill her request . I mentally counted them : 74 days . Seventy-four days ! It could be a long time ; perhaps for Noyo Villca it was , and I regretted it . But for me they would be the seventy-four most fruitful days of my life . It caused me laughter and sadness to remember what I was before January 6 , in that sinister Neuropsychiatric Hospital : " Dr . Arturo Siegnagel , one of our best interns " – the nurses introduced me . What the system had turned me into ! Before January 6 I had everything , from the material point of view , but I lacked clear ideals : I had been brainwashed ! On the contrary , now I had nothing , comparing myself with the prestigious Dr . that I had been , I lacked a material future , a predictable future within the laws of the system ; but I was clear about the ideal of the Hyperborean Wisdom . And with that ideal I had now , I didn ' t need to possess nothing else in life , and much less the determination of a mediocre future !
I crawled into bed , gleefully , I ' d say . How everything had changed for good ! How I had changed for the better ! The night was coming starry and a little cool , perhaps heralding the beginning of autumn . At first I thought about reading Konrad Tarstein ' s book , but then I held back . I was also somewhat tired and I did not want to lose control at all , I did not want the current joy to dominate me completely : if Uncle Kurt kept 35 years from reading it , why should I be impatient ? Was I not capable of waiting one more day ? And then , after generating such foolish thoughts , I turned off the light and prepared to sleep .
Oh Gods , what a fool ! that ' s what I had become now , apart from " enlightened by the Hyperborean Wisdom ", which incidentally had nothing to do with what happened . It was Me , my disproportionate pride as a result of everything I knew in such a short time and that inflated my plumage like a peacock , the only guilty that Misfortune , which was lurking , threw itself that night on us . Of course ; I do not rule out or underestimate the astonishing vigilance that the enemy holds over the whole World , or " over many Worlds ", according to the concepts that Captain Kiev used with Belicena Villca . No ; I ' m not going to underestimate the careful observation task that the Demons undertook trying to locate Uncle Kurt ; perhaps that guard would have one day paid off and they would have found him somehow . But of what happened that night I was the main responsible ! A hundred times , a thousand times , it would have been preferable that I read Tarstein ' s book , as I " normally " wished , instead of doing what I did !!!
Like I said , I turned off the light and went to sleep . I saw the starry sky through the crystals , and closed my eyes . But , still quite nervous , in addition to being tired , I decided to go numb mentalizing the Kilkor svadi . And that would be the fatal mistake !
Uncle Kurt revealed the shape of the Kilkor to me and made demonstrations on the mental control that it allowed to exercise over the Daivas dogs . I understood then that the " whistle " used to throw the dogs on me , when I entered sneaking into his farm , hadn ' t really been an audible sound : it was