THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 519

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
of the fantastic book " The Mystery of Belicena Villca ", dedicated to Them .
… or
of the real Mystery of Belicena Villca , dedicated to us , those of us who feel run through the veins The Blood of Tharsis .
Chapter I
And that was all Uncle Kurt managed to tell me about the story of his life . At the time he was right to be in a rush , as events were in charge of demonstrating , but he left the most interesting part pending : the details of his secret missions during the war and the mysterious mission of his godfather Rudolph Hess . Logically , he also hoped to complete his stories in a next occasion . But it was written that such an occasion would never present itself .
However , that last night , when we talked about these issues and he told me about his arrival in Argentina , I managed to ask him two questions that I still remember clearly . It was already late , like eleven o ' clock at night on March 21 , exactly two months after the spiritual rapture of January 21 , and we resolved to go to sleep , after a long day of conversation . It was then when I raised a question that was causing me quite a bit of annoyance .
– Tell me Uncle Kurt : if you had received in 1945 Konrad Tarstein ' s unpublished book " Secret History of the Thulegesellschaft ", in which the German story of the house of Tharsis is told , how come you remained indifferent the first time we talked about the Letter of Belicena Villca , implying that you ignored its important historical participation ? I remember very well that you only startled when you heard the name " Tharsis ", but you said nothing about the German Tharsis . However , you should know a part of the story , maybe as rich in nuances as the one I knew from Belicena Villca . And you kept very well from saying anything about it , even until now . Your behavior does not seem right to me , Uncle Kurt ! --I affirmed with a tone of painful reproach . Uncle Kurt looked at me in surprise and let out one of his formidable laughs . – But it is that I hadn ' t read it ! – he apologized . – How ? After thirty-five years , you hadn ' t read Tarstein ' s book ? --I asked astonished . – I already told you , neffe , that I was very angry by the orders that Tarstein transmitted to me ! Here , in Santa Maria , I simply kept the book to read it on the day Tarstein ' s predictions came true , that is , the day that I somehow had access to the rest of the history of his Lineage . And that day came with your visit and the letter of Belicena Villca . That is why I read it , in effect , during the days that I was locked in my room , after knowing the content of the Letter : everything coincided , it was really the missing part of the story of Belicena , the connection between the Vrunaldian branch of the House of Tharsis and the Thulegesellschaft ! The story of the search for the Führer , which began in the Middle Ages , and his localizing and Initiation in the XX century ! But if I had told you nothing after on this was because I hoped to narrate you my own life and make you know the existence of that work , which I still keep . It is my wish that you read it yourself and then retain it as part of your inheritance ! To whom , if not you , does it correspond in justice ? You must join it to the Letter of Belicena Villca and take it to Córdoba , to be known by the Tirodal Knights and , if possible , by Noyo Villca .
I was blown away by my uncle ' s incredible answer : thirty-five years without reading Tarstein ' s book ! Ha ! That ' s what you call deserving the qualifying of stubborn !