THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 523

Chapter III
The Mistery of Belicena Villca
In other words , I mean that then the phenomenon ended ; or that is , the buzzing stopped and the pressure on the heart was released . Little by little my pulse went normalizing and I was able to move at will . Still in a daze I reacted and sat up , remembering Uncle Kurt : I feared the worst .
However , he was also recovering in those moments ; and I checked that he had fallen to his knees , as also happened to him in the Tibetan glen of The Pitch , more than 40 years before . I was immobile for a few minutes , ordering my ideas , until suddenly I remembered the last moment of the phenomenon , when I lived my own agony and that of all my relatives . And then I understood . Then I knew that was true , that something irreparable had happened to my family . Decomposed with panic , I interrogated Uncle Kurt with my eyes : in the horror that I read in his eyes I knew that I was right . At last I managed to articulate words and screamed : – Mom , Katalina ! Oh , Uncle Kurt , something terrible has happened to the family ! What has happened , Uncle Kurt , what has happened ? What has happened , Uncle Kurt , what has happened ? – I think something horrifying , Arturo . I don ' t want to alarm you , but it seems that the Demon Bera did not really manage to find out your whereabouts , and mine , but I fear that what he saw in your psyche was enough for him to find the Farm of Beatriz in Cerrillos . If so , our family has been in serious danger . We must go to Salta immediately , Arturo ! Ask for a telephone communication while I prepare the Jeep !
" To Salta , thirty minutes of delay ", was the laconic response of the operator . I also requested the communication as an urgent matter and I begged to activate it every ten minutes . She then notified me of the time I settled my order and I could hardly believe it : it was only 0.30 a . m . In fifteen or twenty minutes it had all happened . Could it be ? Could the Demons have acted in such a short time ? That doubt , inconsistent , gave me a little hope . But it was only until Uncle Kurt came back from the garage and I communicated him my concern . He shook his head in a negative and discouraging gesture , and said : – I would like to confirm your hope but I cannot deceive you . We should not be optimistic in any way : the Immortals dominate Time and Space , they are Masters in the art of moving in the countless Worlds of the mayic Illusion . They cannot find us , as they could not find Belicena and Noyo Villca , because Our Initiated Spirits are truly isolated from the Time and Space by the Runes of Wothan ; or by the Vrunes of Navutan , if you prefer . They do not know our Reality , the World that the Spirit affirms from the Origin , and that puzzles them , prevents them from locating us ; but once obtained the real reference of a determined World , to it they can head and arrive in any Time and Space .
I don ' t know why I was asking if I knew it was like that . But I deluded myself for a moment trusting that my reasoning would have value , waiting vainly that reason prevailed over the irrationality that was taking hold of my life . The telephone bell brought me out of so bitter reflections . -- " Your call with Salta " – the operator laconically anticipated . For ten long minutes I heard the ringtones through the phone , without anyone answering in Cerrillos . That was not normal ! Still being one in the morning someone should attend in much less time : a thousand times I had made similar calls from Salta and they always answered me in three or four minutes !
" They don ' t answer in your number ", interrupted the operator . " Do we repeat the call later ?" I did not know what to say . I glanced at Uncle Kurt and saw that he was giving me an obvious signal with the jeep keys . – No , miss , I ' m canceling it now . There must be no one in that house --I suggested bitterly .
Chapter IV
Fifteen minutes later I was for the second time in my life rolling down Esquiú Street : Uncle Kurt , Me and the Daiva dogs were going . " It is necessary to take them just in case they have a trap for us ”, he explained to me ; " But those demons are proud and assume that they will never miss a hit ; they may already be at Chang Shambhala ; or fulfilling another of their macabre missions ”. He stayed thoughtful for a moment and then he added gloomily :
– Heavens , Arturo : where do you suppose they would go next , if as we fear they have already passed through Cerrillos ?
– To Tucumán , to Tafí del Valle , to the Farm of Belicena Villca – I answered without hesitating .