THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 503

The Mistery of Belicena Villca members of the Thulegesellschaft , and for that I must go to Berlin ; on the contrary , the Reichsführer wants me to give the Relic only to him , in the city of Plauen . – And how will you go to Berlin , Shivatulku ? – Well , by land , since by air it is impossible to get there . I ' ll pretend to go to Plauen , but then I will turn North , and somehow try to cross the Russian siege .
– Then we will follow you to Berlin . Think about it : We will be useful to perform the feat you plan . And on the other hand , what do we care about the disobedience charges , even if it meant death ? We have already lived too long and Death does not scare us at all !
The Gurkha ' s words brought me to reality . No doubt those days signaled the end of the Third Reich . And most likely they would represent our own end . Yes ; it was all over , and maybe we would too . Now or later , life would have to be risked against a host of enemies , Russian , English , Yankees , French , who , by Wothan , who would take our lives ? Leaving the Tibetan Legion in Munich only meant prolonging their lives a day or two more : that was the reality . I made up my mind on the spot . We had to act before General Koller got the plane . I gathered them all in a remote courtyard and spoke to them : – Tibetan Legion ! In a few minutes we will be in operations . Our goal is to reach Berlin , and we need to equip ourselves on the spot . But we cannot officially request these supplies . Therefore , we will seize them .
First of all , it is necessary to seize two armed trucks , with spare rubber tires and enough ammunition . Bangi and fifteen men will take care of it , trying not to cause casualties on either side , which are the same side of Germany . Capture and gag those you have to steal , and keep them hidden in the trucks , we will release them before we go . You have ten minutes to execute the mission and park in front of the Logistics depot .
Srivirya and 20 men will storm the depot , taking only what ' s indispensable for a 600 km trip and 50 troops : grenades , guns , ammunition and minimal provisions . You immobilize everyone and when the trucks arrive , you load everything and meet us in the dormitory building , next to the casino . In fifteen minutes you have to be there ! --I ordered .
The fifteen Tibetans and I set about picking up our equipment and clothes , and stacking everything at the barrack door . Fifteen minutes later we left from the Munich barracks . The first group had taken four prisoners . The one of highest degree was a Schartführer : to him I gave the letter addressed to General Koller . On it I apologized to him for the outrage , and informed him that “ I could not obey the order of the Reichsfuhrer Himmler as it was in contradiction with another previous order forcing me to go to Berlin . The author of the first order was a Chief of the Secret Service that I was only authorized to mention his code name : Unicornis ”. I begged this textual message to be communicated to the Reichsführer and kindly said goodbye to General Koller . I did not expect that Koller would forgive me for ridiculing his men , but I had faith that Himmler would leave everything as it was , rather than face the hidden brains of the Third Reich . So we released the bewildered soldiers in the North entrance of Munich , reiterating that they transmit this letter as soon as possible to General Koller .
My calculations were correct because Himmler did nothing after receiving the laconic message . We even ran into SS troops from the Russian front to which no warning had been made regarding us .
Now , it was April 28 and I think that was the last day were there was a minimal possibility of reaching Berlin by road . Our route was like marching the edge of the Synarchic Dragon ' s teeth : they were all enemy vanguards along the way ; first French and Yankee vanguards advancing from the West , and then Russian vanguards from the East , colliding with the Yankee columns on the banks of the Elbe . Munich would fall into the hands of the Franco-Yankees on April 30 , that is , two days after we left .
Anyway , and holding periodic battles against Yankees and Russians , we reached Potsdam at dusk . Impossible to cross the Russian lines in two German trucks and a SS legion . It took two more hours to locate an appropriate Russian camp to get the must-have camouflage : about 60 Russian infantry soldiers slept in a row of tents , protected by four sentinels . All were killed by knife , most of them their throats cut , because no one wanted to spoil his disguise . However , no legionnaires wanted to take off the uniform of the SS and had to put the Russian clothes on top of it , many times helping it to enter with generous blows of knife .
Thus dressed , we marched more or less openly in the direction of the Spree . Following its shore we came upon the Veindendammer bridge , which was covered by the children of the Hitler Youth of Arthur Axmann . For ten minutes I had a hard time convincing a 12-year-old Obersturmführer that we were a SS legion and that he should let us pass . We finally crossed and all took off the Russian clothes right there , except for me , who still had a long way to go .