THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 504

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Because we had decided to separate , this time , definitely . The Tibetan Legion belonged to the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler , the SS Corps that was in charge of the Führer ' s personal guard , and the most logical thing would be for that corps to go to the bunker to contribute to its defense . Berlin offered a catastrophic aspect : entire blocks demolished by the aerial bombardment and the cannonade of the Russians , the streets covered with debris , gleams of different fires were added to the twilight of the dawn of that fateful April 29 , 1945 . We marched in silence for several blocks until we reached the Fredrichstrasse , or what was left of it . The idea was to follow that route up to the subway station and then descend and travel underground ; at the Vilhelmplatz station we would ascend a few meters from the Chancellery . It was not possible to carry out this simple plan because in Frederick ' s street was being waged a terrible tank battle . So we tried to reach by running the Vilhelmstrasse when Fortune , so elusive until then , came in our help .
Indeed , along the transversal street that we took , it began to turn towards us a column of tanks . In command was a SS Oberführer named Otto Meyer , whom we knew because Von Grossen got him , three years earlier , to give us a lecture on armored cavalry tactics : he was a young officer of legendary courage and great professionalism for the command of motorized troops . He had fought in France and Russia , and survived , in addition to causing great losses to the enemy . When Rudolph , after my first mission , hinted that I would be one of the youngest Oberführer of the German Army , without a doubt he included Otto Meyer in his plural concept . Now they had summoned him for the Battle of Berlin , the last , and would surely die .
He stopped his panzer and went out through the tower : – Kurt von Sübermann and the Tibetan Legion ! Ha , ha , ha . I never expected to find you here , secret agent ! Where the hell do you think you ' re going ?
– Otto Meyer ! --I shouted , moved-- . I did not imagine seeing you again . Oh , Otto : this is the Führer ' s guard . It must reach the Chancellery !
– But it is only a few blocks ! Do not worry that they will arrive . Tell them to march protected by the panzers and I will leave them at the very door . And you come up to the cabin , I want to chat with someone who has not gone crazy yet , like they are all in this city .
Fifteen minutes later the five panzers stopped in front of the Chancellery , which practically no longer existed , except for the underground bunkers ; and the Tibetan Legion formed in the garden . The astonishment of Brigadienführer Mohnke , SS Commander of the Chancellery , had no limits , when contemplating that troop of Asian faces .
– The Tibetan Legion , special formation of the 1 s SS Panzerdivision Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler , reports to take over the guard in the bunkerführer ! Heil Hitler , my Brigadienführer ! --I presented and greeted loudly .
Mohnke was suspicious of this reinforcement , of which he had no news , and he thought of a possible defection from the front , but he was reassured when I proved that our destination was Italy , from where logically we had to withdraw , and I informed him that Himmler was informed of our departure towards Berlin . – Now , if I can , I must complete the mission entrusted to me by the Secret Service , --I requested . – As for me , do your duty , Brigadienführer . There is nothing else to do here --he said grimly . It was 10 o ' clock . I heard Otto Meyer being told that the Führer was resting , that he could not receive him . The heroic Meyer had tried to see Hitler before embarking on a journey from which he might never come back . I signalled to him to wait a moment and said goodbye forever to Bangi , Srivirya , and the fifty Lopas warriors of the Tibetan Legion . What for describe what that farewell was ? It ' s enough to add that even after 35 years , I see them clearly in the garden of the Chancellery in ruins , raising their arm to salute me militarily , and I hear the voice of the Gurkha who says “ Goodbye Shivatulku ! Do not suffer for us , for we will soon find ourselves in another war , fighting alongside the Gods !"
– The Gregorstrasse ? --Meyer repeated questioningly-- . But that is at the Gipfelstadt ( 67 ): you have to go through the Brandenburg Gate and cross the Thiergarten ( 68 ). Look Kurt , for a few days the Russians have been trying to occupy the Thiergarten but have failed to break our anti-tank batteries . Therefore , they too have assembled their own batteries . Conclusion : nobody can go through because a crossfire hell has been formed . But do not get your hopes up : you could not get there on foot either because we have mined all the fields and Zoo paths . I looked at him desolate and this drew another of his usual laughs . – Easy , Kurt , calm down , all is not lost . Although the panzers cannot pass , that does not mean that nothing can pass . Have you heard of the Kamikaze ? He asked , always joking . – Yes : they are the Japanese suicide pilots . – Well then , my dear Comrade ! If you dare to be a motorcyclist Kamikaze , we might make you cross to the Gipfelstadt !