THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 502

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
While our Comrades remained in the Monastery of Naples , the Tibetan Legion undertook a journey to Berlin . We went Bangi , Srivirya , fifty commandos and me . After multiple clashes with the Communists partisans who infested the roads , we managed to reach Verona , from where they started several paths that passed the Alps . We took by the one in Bolzano , which led us a day later straight to Berchtesgaden .
On April 25 the SS commander of Berchtesgaden received a telegram from Bormann in which he was ordered to arrest Marshal Goering . When we arrived there was no one who could assist us or give us information . We then headed to the Obersalzberg , but before arriving , Destiny , that tragic Destiny that always pursued me , decided to put on its best performance : 318 Lancaster bombers arrived first and began to unload tons of bombs on the peaceful alpine village . Paralyzed with pain , pierced by the lacerating nostalgia , I believe screaming with impotence , I saw blown to pieces Rudolph Hess ' house and others surrounding . That house where 12 years ago I would come with my father to visit the Führer ' s Stellvertreter and ask him for help to guide my career ! There , Dad had entrusted him with the medal of the Ophites . What would have become of it ? Maybe Ilse had them , his and mine … How many memories !... Damned English , damned Yankees , damned Russians , damned Jewish Synarchy ! What need was there to destroy that village of Obersalzberg ? Maybe delete a symbol ? But symbols can only be broken in shape , break its appearance , because the content is metaphysical , transcendent , and can never be reached by a Lancaster bomb .
Anyway , unable to hold back my tears , I looked at the smoking ruins of the Berghof , the Führer ' s Headquarters , empty at the time because , as the Allies knew well , the Führer was in the Berlin bunker , and the remains of the houses of Bormann and Goering , and of many settlers who had nothing to do with Nazism and the Third Reich . We returned to Berchtesgaden and achieved the next day transport to Munich . There I interviewed General Koller who reported the disastrous situation in Berlin : the Russians had reached the banks of the Elbe and Eisenhower stopped the American Army near Torgau , with the declared purpose of having Berlin ravaged by the Slavic hordes . " That was , the damned Jew justified himself , what had been agreed in Yalta ”.
Berlin was , thus , besieged by the Russians , making it almost impossible to enter or go out by ground . Well then , the Tibetan Legion will enter Berlin ! – I affirmed with determination .
– You will not need to take such a risk , Brigadienführer Von Sübermann : Orders have just come in for you , commanding you to head to Plauen . The Reichsführer Himmler wishes to see you personally there . General Koller , to my surprise , extended Himmler ' s telegram to me . How did the Reichsführer know that we would meet in Munich ? There was only one answer : the S . D . Officer from Berchestsgaden had reported our passage . I cursed to myself and asked Koller . – Is there a telephone line to the Reichsführer ? – Only in case of extreme urgency . – Well , this one is , my General . This is an emergency . – Alright Brigadienführer . Pass by the radio that I will authorize the call . I sighed in relief : I needed to confirm my suspicions before leaving ! – This is Brigadienführer Kurt von Sübermann my Reichsführer – I greeted , across the inaudible line .
– Von Sübermann ! How glad I am to hear from you at this time ! I congratulate you on getting to Munich . Just in time ! It couldn ' t be expected less from You . Well , Brigadienführer Von Sübermann ; listen to me carefully : things have changed here in Germany , and now I am in charge of Operation Frederick II . So you must come as soon as possible and bring me the King ' s Relic . Come by plane . See you soon . Put me with General Koller to give him the necessary instructions .
See you soon , my Reichsführer ! --I said goodbye , immersed in the blackest of apprehensions .
I met with Bangi and Srivirya . Luckily there were no planes available in that moment . What would I do ? It was evident that Himmler planned to seize the Genghis Khan ' s stone for personal use . But the Stone of Agartha belonged not to him but to the SS Black Order , to the Thulegesellschaft , to Germany . The Reichsführer deserved the best of concepts , an Hyperborean Initiate faithful to the Führer and loyal to our banners : if the fall of Germany had deranged him , that would be understandable . But in the Black Order I would never be forgiven if I lost an object that Frederick II Hohenstaufen protected for 700 years .
– Comrades , I ' m in trouble --I confided to the Tibetan Legion chiefs . I will surely find myself in the need to disobey an order of the Reichsführer and I don ' t want you to get involved . I have thought of transfering you to the local Commander of the SS , and continue alone the trip to Berlin . It ' s my duty to deliver the chest that we found in Apulia to the Initiates of the Black Order , who are also