THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 501

The Mistery of Belicena Villca have only one way : war ”, Tarstein explained to us . The White Fraternity will support an alliance against Germany but only if after its total destruction it is constituted in a short time the Universal Synarchy of the Chosen People . If this objective is materialized , Germany will undoubtedly be sacrificed , but that World Government will mean the end of History : Germany will be reborn once more , perhaps not as a Nation , but its Spirit will , its Führer , its God Wothan , will be supported by the Gods Loyal to the Spirit of Man , and the Final Battle will be fought over the Earth .
Ernst Schaeffer returned converted into a Master of the White Hierarchy , that is , spiritually dead . His Initiation in Tibet earned him the recognition of numerous Synarchic Secret Societies , as for example the English Masonry , which granted him the 33rd degree and the position of President of the Grand Orient of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite . The destruction of Operation Altwesten was attributed in the papers to common accidents in this kind of exploration and Schaeffer lived quietly until after the war : his relatives still reside in Argentina .
That freedom that he enjoyed under the protection of the Führer resistance groups , allowed him , as we had calculated in the Black Order , to plan and launch multitude of attacks against my person . No one knows for sure how many attacks were perpetrated against the Führer , but those that I suffered in those years were not far behind : poisonings , bombs , snipers , ambushes , sabotages on my equipment and permanent threats : either I left the SS , deserted , I left Germany forever , I was definitely away from the places sacred to the Priests , or there would be no place on Earth where I could hide from the inevitable rabbinical revenge .
Of course , I did not give in to the threats and carried out my orders till the end , neffe , even those orders that I didn ' t like , like the last one , which forced me to stay 35 years in Santa María de Catamarca .
Chapter XLI
I will not talk about intermediate operations , as this will be my last reference to the intense esoteric enterprises of those years . I ' ll just recall that in 1945 we were working in southern Italy , in the Apulia region , where the Octagonal Castle of Emperor Frederick II Hohenstaufen is located , who ruled from 1215 to 1244 and who Belicena Villca deals with quite a bit in her letter . Our mission was not directly related to the war , because there was little that could be done to reverse a situation every day more adverse . In those days , Germany was backing down on all fronts ; but in all fronts , for the first time in history , the same Jew enemy could be singled out : Capitalists , Communists , Zionists , all Allied Nations , no matter their ideology , showed the same Hebrew faces , the true profile of the Synarchy .
And in the midst of that colossal debacle , while Germany yielded to forces thousand times greater , forces that emerged united under the mask of Jehovah Satan , we no longer worked for Germany , to close the Gates of the Demons enemies of Germany , but for the SS , for the Future of the SS . What did our mission in Southern Italy consist in ? In something unusual : we were to look for the Stone of Genghis Khan .
Yes ; it is not a delusion . Konrad Tarstein had at his disposal specific and ancient information that claimed that in 1221 Genghis Khan sent Frederick II , to his court in Sicily , a Stone from Agartha , in which was found engraved a tripartite pact to establish the Universal Empire ; the three parts would be : Genghis Khan , Emperor of Asia ; Frederick II , Emperor of the West ; and the Loyal Gods of Agartha , for the Underground Forces of the Earth . Before he died , in 1244 , Frederick had that strange octagonal castle built and hid the Stone forever . Now , Konrad Tarstein explained to us that the Castle , in its construction , hid a key to locate the Stone , which would not be a long way from the place . Indeed , 800 m away , under a gentle grassy slope , the Daivas dogs tracked a krypt of stone that contained a chest of Queen Constanza and the desired Stone of Genghis Khan , engraved in Vigur characters and in Germanic Runes .
It was not easy to find it , deep excavations had to be carried out and trigonemetric measurements with theodolites . Measurements were made a posteriori , to try to discover the key to the construction by strategic opposition that allowed to protect a valuable object , placing it outside the walls .
There was no time to complete the measurements because since April 5 , 1945 the Allied invasion of Italy had begun . We went retroceding , then , towards the North , but at every step we saw the magnitude of the disaster . The war was lost for Germany and would soon be over . We decided to separate . Karl von Grossen and Oskar Feil , under protest , would go into hiding in a Franciscan monastery whose prior was a sympathizer of Germany and the Arab cause : both had to exchange the black uniform of the SS for the brown seraphic soutane . The Daivas dogs would also be left in their care .