THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 500

The Mistery of Belicena Villca actually they used to commit . The Hungarian Bishop Prohaska had already discovered that after the Bolshevik domination of Hungary in 1919 . He reported that during that period trucks loaded with mutilated bodies were driven in Budapest to the bridges over the Danube and their cargo dumped into the River ; that the priests had their bonnets nailed to their heads with nails of steel , their nails had been pulled out and their eyes hollowed out , and the joke of the moment was why they had to go to the other world with their eyes open . All those responsible , led by Bela Kun , had been Jews . The Press world had been silenced or was in Hebrew hands . However , when after the collapse of the Bolshevik government , some of the guilty , the same world press screamed blue murder for the white terror in Hungary . The same thing has always happened , Prohaska concluded , when a people has had to fight the Jews ".
“ I could not foresee then that the Jews , to obtain propaganda material against Germany , would come by means of the use of the secret chemical substance , to induce the guardians of the German concentration camps to treat internees as the G . P . V . 64 did : every criminal act of that nature must be attributed to the use of the secret drugs that the Jews employed within Germany itself . Asking me for the reasons for the crimes perpetrated against me , I suspect the following : First , the British Government had been hypnotized into trying to turn me into a lunatic , so that I could be presented as such if necessary , if they were reproached not having accepted my attempt of an understanding with which
England could have saved many sacrifices . Second , the general inclination of the Jews or non- Jews whom they had induced to mistreat me and take revenge on me for the fact that National Socialist Germany had defended itself from the Jews . Third , revenge against me because I had tried to put an end too soon to the war that with so much work had started the Jews , which would have been prevented them from achieving their warlike objectives . Fourth , I should be prevented from making public the disclosures contained in this report ”. 65 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................... In these statements of Rudolph Hess may be the secret truth about the famous " Holocaust of 6,000,000 Jews ". It is remarkable , indeed , that the members of the Chosen People have been victims of a typically Jewish genocide , a mode of extermination that , like Belicena Villca demonstrates in her Letter , is the one that the Rabbis have been demanding for millennia to apply to the " Gentiles " or " Goim ". But Rudolph Hess exposed rightly “ that it was typical of the Jews to claim that their enemies did what they did for themselves , without the Jews giving them cause , and charge them their enemies the crimes that they actually used to commit ”. This attitude of the Jews is frequent , it is confirmed by hundreds of historical proofs , and explains the incredible accusation that the SS would have practised on them a mini Holocaust of Fire , projecting over the concentration camps the image of the Final Death with which they themselves dream to destroy the spiritual Humanity , that is to say , non Jewish . In short , neffe Arturo , only one typically Judaic mentality could have conceived such a mode of extermination , which never crossed the imagination of Heinrich Himmler nor , of course , the Führer ' s . And as for the Germans who supposedly " confessed " having perpetrated these crimes , in addition to the fact that there are many obvious explanations about why someone would testify against himself or against his fatherland , it is clear that the real cause must be sought in the secret drugs known to the Druids , whose main hideout has been for millennia , precisely , England . Rudolph Hess himself exposed it in 1945 , as you have seen , by stating that not only the witnesses would have been drugged and hypnotized to testify against themselves but , in case some crime could truly have been committed in the German K . Z ., this was to be attributed to the introduction of drugs before the fall of the Third Reich , in order to disturb the guards to obtain further propaganda revenues .
All in all , if I didn ' t see Rudolph Hess again after my return to Elbruz-Rastenburg , by contrast I heard from the damned Ernst Schaeffer : he had quietly returned , just as Tarstein foresaw , and he was in the occupied France . He was protected by the Secret Service of Admiral Canaris , the Abwehr , which was outside the jurisdiction of the Exterior S . D . According to reports available to Walter Schellenberg , it seemed highly probable that he was also accompanied by his four henchmen , although one of them " would have lost his sight in Tibet ”, because his eyes were exposed “ to an intense and unknown source of Light ”.
Naturally , I immediately proposed a covert operation to execute him , as well as his accomplices , but I was dissuaded by Tarstein , who argued that the traitor was more valuable alive than dead : “ being alive he will be able to communicate to the synarchic forces that with the Third Reich they
64 Soviet Secret Police , whose bosses are invariably Jewish of unparalleled cruelty .
65 Fragments of the Rudolph Hess Report , read by him during the Nuremberg trial in 1946 .