THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 499

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
“ Then the idea occurred to me that those people had been hypnotized , although I was unaware then that there was the possibility of producing such an intense and long-lasting state of hypnotism . I frankly stated this suspicion to Commander F ., who evidently took it as a funny joke . He said that he and everyone else around me were absolutely normal and that , unfortunately , I was a victim of autosuggestion ”. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................... “ My headache continued unceasingly . I insisted on pretending that I had lost memory . I learned from my mistakes . I supposed I shouldn ' t recognize people I had seen more than fourteen days ago , even if they were the doctors who had been with me for several years . It can be deduced from this what a terrible poison they gave me for which there was no antidote ,… “ Soon I didn ' t make any more mistakes . I went through tests such as the sudden appearance of people I had met before , and pretended not to recognize them , even though I was in a hypnotic sleep state . I had to be alert day and night . I finally became ready to respond falsely to the questions , even in dreams , persisting in faking memory loss ”. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......................
“ On April 19 , 1945 , Brigadier General Doctor Rees came to see me again .. He again tried to convince me that both my conclusions and my suffering were the mere consequence of obsessive manias . I interrupted him affirming that his words were of no use because I knew what was happening . In the meantime I had acquired new convictions that justified my suspicions . The abominable atrocities that , during the Boer War , perpetrated the English in women and children in concentration camps could be attributed also to the secret chemical substance ".
" Brigadier General Rees reflected for a moment with a shadowy expression . Then he jumped to his feet and hurried out , murmuring : « You are very insightful ; I wish you good luck »”.
“ I had been imprisoned for four years in the company of lunatics and at the mercy of their tortures , without being able to inform anyone of it , and without being able to convince the Swiss envoy of the truth of what was happening , not to mention my inability to instruct lunatics about their status . It was worse than being in the hands of criminals , for these , at least , have some reason in some dark corner of their brain , some feeling in some dark corner of their heart , and a little conscience . With my lunatics , this was totally out of the question . But the worst were the doctors , who used their scientific knowledge for the most refined tortures . Actually , I lacked a doctor during those four years , for those who gave themselves that name had no mission other than causing me sufferings and , in any case , aggravate them . Likewise , I remained all that time without medicines , because what they gave me under that name was only serving the same purpose and , moreover , it was poison ".
" In front of my garden they walked from one place to another crazy , or drugged , with loaded rifles , the crazy surrounded me in the house , when I went out for a walk I was preceded and followed by madmen , all in British Army uniform , and we passed by columns of inmates from a nearby madhouse who were taken to work . My companions showed compassion towards them and did not notice that they belonged to the same column ; that the Doctor who ran the Hospital and , at the same time , ran the madhouse , should have been its own patient for a long time . They did not realize that they themselves were worthy of compassion ; and they did not realize because they were , all , drugged and hypnotized . I sincerely pitied them ; honest people were there turned into criminals ".
“ Yet , what did this matter to the Jews ? They cared as little for it as for the King of England and the British people . Because the Jews were behind all that . If it had not been enough to demonstrate it the simple probability , what I am about to relate would have shown it . I had been given a book written by a Jew about the treatment he had suffered in Germany , as well as reports from British Consulates on the treatment of Jews in Germany as described by the Jews themselves . Doctor Dix said that my obsessive manias were the consequences of remorse for the treatment of Jews , for whom I was responsible , to which I replied that it had not been my competence to decide the treatment to apply to the Jews . However , had it been so , I would have done everything possible to protect my people from those criminals and would not have felt remorse for it . The Lieutenant A . C ., of the Scots Guards , who was with me for my protection on behalf of the King , told me one day : « You are being treated the same as the Gestapo treats its political enemies ». Doctor Dix and the male nurse , Sergeant Everett , were present and assented with a smile . As they had departed from the role they were assigned since it was always stated that my sufferings were imaginary , the doctor and the officer were relieved shortly after ".
“ In my protest note of September 5 , 1941 , I mentioned the expression used by A . C ., of the Scots Guards , and added that it was typical of the Jews claiming that their enemies did what they did for themselves , without the Jews giving them motives , and blaming their enemies for the crimes that