THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 498

The Mistery of Belicena Villca British High Command dominated . His flight was arranged between members of the English Secret Society Golden Dawn and Initiates of the Thulegesellschaft , but not well landed he was captured by the Druids thanks to the betrayal of the German Albrecht Haushofer and of the British Duke of Hamilton , and confined in a military prison . For the Sinarchy , peace between England and Germany would have been a catastrophe , and its alliance against the Soviet Union , a project that Rudolph Hess was authorized to manage . He was therefore held incommunicado during the years of the war and an alleged insanity was publicized while they tried to effectively destroy his psyche with drugs similar to those mentioned by Belicena Villca . Similarly , to the case of Belicena Villca , in the case of a Great Initiate like Rudolph , the Golen did not achieve their purpose .
Yes , neffe , in August 1941 it was time to remember the words Tarstein had told me four years earlier : “ we must all wish thathis chance never comes , for when Parsifal undertakes his mission it will mean that King Arthur is wounded ... and that the Kingdom is terra gasta ”. Yes , Rudolph , the pure madman , like Parsifal , had departed for Albion , England , the White Island that somehow represented Chang Shambhala , the Abode of the Demons : Tarstein predicted it to me because he knew it was possible , because he knew an esoteric meaning that explained the deep symbolism of the trip . That the diplomat Albrecht Haushofer was a traitor , a member of the group of the “ healthy forces of Germany ”, we had already known for years from the reports that Heydrich had elaborated in the S . D .: Albrecht was the son of Professor Karl Haushofer and a Jewess named Martha Mayer-Doss . And that the Secret Society Golden Dawn 62 , which sometime at the beginning of the century was related to the Einherjar and the Thulegesellschaft , fell to the Druids after the takeover by Priest Aleister Crowley , we knew it too . Rudolph could hardly be caught off guard by the result of his mission so there must be a deeper and more secret reason to justify his sacrifice .
I asked Tarstein directly , but this time he avoided direct clarification and he spoke to me again in symbolic language , undoubtedly not to affect the Myth , so that the Myth would continue to act .
– See Kurt : – he pointed – King Arthur , the Führer , can be betrayed by Guinevere-Germany and such disgrace leave the Kingdom weak in the face of the attack of the elemental beings , the hordes of Elementalwessen from the East . To avoid the Kingdom to be destroyed , King Arthur needs to have the strength of the Gral . But the Gral has not been present in the World of the sleeping men for 700 years . What should be done ? Like Wolfram von Eschenbach , the Führer says :
“ Man mac mich dá in strîte sehen : der muoz mînhalp von iu geschehen ”. 63
And Parsifal departs for the Castle of Sigune , from which arise the forces that animate the subhuman beings that threaten the Kingdom . And there , as Joseph of Arimathea , King Crudel captures and sentences to 48 years in prison , both him and his Knights . But then , in prison , Joseph of Arimathea enters contact with the Gral and it nourishes him spiritually for the duration of his confinement : and the elemental forces are thus , to a certain extent slowed down , because the Knight of the Gral , still locked up , possesses enough spiritual forces to pass them on to King Arthur and hold him in his Royal Function . Someday the Knight Joseph of Arimathea will get out of his unjust confinement and will be free with the Stone of the Gral , reading in it the Name of the Führer and restoring his sovereignty in the Kingdom . It will be in that moment when Frederick II , bearer of the Stone of Genghis Khan , meets the Lord of the Dog , Prester John , the Lord of Cathay or K ' Taagar , that is , the Lord of Agartha . Then the elemental forces will be definitely defeated in the Earth .
Nothing more than symbolic statements of this kind I managed to obtain from Tarstein , who did not help me much to understand the hidden meaning of his mission , although I had a good sense of it . But I haven ' t seen my taufpate since 1940 . Naturally , during the Nuremberg Trial of 1945 / 46 , Rudolph was interrogated by the hypocritical Allied judges and , of course , he did not say a word about the Gral or King Arthur . Instead he talked a lot about the brainwashing and drug treatments that the English put him under :
"... As it ' s logical , I continually thought about what explanation could have the monstrous behavior of the people around me . I excluded the possibility that they were criminals , since , socially , they caused very good impression . And , on the other hand , his past also contradicted that imposition ”.
62 No translation needed . 63 It will seem that I am the one who fights , but in truth You will be the one who does it in me .