THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 497

The Mistery of Belicena Villca as grenades , pistols and assault rifles . However , the maximum effectiveness of those terrible warriors , would always be accompanied by the use of their traditional weapons , for which they had no rival in Tibet . Anyway , it is worth mentioning , that body never had more than a hundred troops .
But long before the Tibetan Legion was ready , Vrune gave life in Berlin to two beautiful Daivas dog puppies , dying during birth . Another legion , this one of SS veterinarians , was commissioned , under the severest threats , that the twins lived . Despite our reserves , they grew up smoothly and I baptized them Yum and Yab . They responded well to conventional training and better still when employing the Kilkor svadi , understanding and obeying my slightest wishes .
In September Germany invades Poland and the Second World War begins . On June 14 of the following year , 1940 , the troops of the Third Reich enter Paris . Neither the Tibetan Legion , nor I , intervened in those actions because it was repeated to us in the Black Order that " the true and only front of the Third Reich was in the East ”.
Contrary , then , to the movement of our armies , we were concentrating on planning Asian operations , in everything similar to First Key , in which I got my baptism of fire . At last , in August 1940 , I received the order to execute " Operation Key Two ", which was aimed at achieving the Mount Elbruz , where according to Indo-Aryan traditions , the Aryans were born two times . But it was not a question of going directly to the Caucasus , but of strategically approaching it with the Daivas dogs to arrive at a Gate located in other dimensions .
That time , I traveled from Germany with Oskar Feil , a Hauptsturmführer named Caesar von Lossow , and the mastiffs Yum and Yab . On the Pamir plateau , in the origins of the river Piandy , Karl von Grossen awaited us with the Gebirsjäger 61 of the Tibetan Legion , about fifty men in total . From there , we started one of those crazy journeys that the Daivas dogs made to go somewhere . I do not know what shortcuts they had taken , because , instead of going through Tajikistan , Afghanistan , Turkmenistan , Iran , Armenia and Georgia , and travel 3,000 km , the mastiffs found Georgia 500 km away . Although it is hard to believe , 500 km from the Piandy River we came across Grozny , a city located at the foot of Mount Elbruz ; eventhough the vicissitudes and unexpected events lived until then , and that I can ' t narrate now , took us several months .
Inversely to what was in The Pitch , on Mount Elbruz there was a Path towards Agartha , or towards Venus , which is the same . The mission entrusted by Tarstein , and the Initiates of the Black Order , consisted of locating the Caucasian Gate of Agartha and uniting that place with the town of Rastenburg , in East Prussia . How ? With the Daivas dogs ; ordering the mastiffs in the Caucasus that they reach Rastenburg , by means of a jump across Time and Space . Thus , according to the presumptions of Tarstein , the distance between Elbruz and Rastenburg would be suppressed or , what is also the same , the Agartha Gate would " be " in Rastenburg .
How important was Rastenburg to demand such an operation ? Then we did not know , because we were only asked to execute the plan before May 1941 , but as of June 22 , when the Third Reich began the invasion of the Soviet Union , the Führer ' s Headquarters would be installed in Rastenburg .
The Führer ' s code name Wolf , and hence his center of Eastern operations , the Throne from where he would oppose with the Power of the Spirit the darkest Powers of Matter , would be known as Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze , that is , Fort of the Wolf Supreme Headquarters . It was in the Prussian province of Köningsberg , an old stronghold of the Teutonic Order , amidst the forests that grow on the banks of the Guber , and there Karl von Grossen , Oskar Feil , Bangi , Srivirya , and I landed one day in May 1941 : the rest of the legion remained camped on Mount Elbruz , 2000 km away . Just like their parents in Tibet , Yun and Yab had responded to the order to fly and crossed the established distance in an instant . Once in Rastenburg , we dedicated ourselves to pointing out the exact place where the Daivas dogs had descended , because until there , wherever the site was , would be stretched a railway track to park the Führer ' s wagon . We had a strict order of not moving until we were not located by the SS troops that Himmler had detached and that constantly patrolled the region . A platoon found us and an entire battalion immediately occupied the area where , weeks later , would park the Wolfsschanze . It is worth remembering that in that same place , on July 20 , 1944 , a group of traitorous Generals , the same ones who supported Ernst Schaeffer , attempted to assassinate the Führer by installing a high-powered bomb a few meters from him . Of course , those who do not know what was the Caucasian gate of Rastenburg , still do not understand how the Führer emerged unharmed from the attack .
When I finally returned to Berlin , in August 1941 , it was too late to say goodbye to Rudolph Hess : on May 10 my taufpate had flown to England to try to neutralize the Golen Strategy that had the
61 High Mountain Detachment .