THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 496

The Mistery of Belicena Villca on an infrastructure called " Hyperborean Wisdom ". And you will have understood , it is necessary that you do it ! that both stories continue in you , that the Hyperborean Wisdom passes through you , that the Gods have pointed at you with the Sign of the Origin .
Your story and mine , neffe Arturo , are partly parallel : to begin with , we are both members of the same family trunk ; we both suffered a shocking experience : I , for the interview with the Führer , and you for the death of Belicena Villca ; and those impressions led us both to search for the truth in ourselves , in the depths of Oneself : I , during the holidays in Egypt , in 1937 , when the Scrotra Krâm awoke in me , and you now , in 1980 , in that infinite instant of the spiritual rapture by the Virgin of Agartha . Yes , neffe : I think that at that point we both self-initiated . I know that the Ritual of the Hyperborean Initiation is intended to put the chosen one in contact with the Vrunes of Navutan but , as such Signs were already in us , we have been able to carry out the miracle of the self-revelation of the Naked Truth of Oneself .
Then , the parallelism of the events experienced by both culminates in the correlation of the initiatory experience : we are both , now and for ever , indissolubly linked to a Spiritual Source , Eternal and Infinite , to the Grace of the Virgin of Agartha , to the Hyperborean Wisdom of the Gods . That ' s why , as I raised them at the time , you must raise from now on " our banners ”, which are the banners of the Spirit . You wondered in your department of Salta , who to turn to for spiritual help ? Who in this world are the representatives of the Hyperborean Wisdom ? Well now you have the clearest answer . The Führer has given the answer : the answer is the SS , the SS Black Order . Remember that the Führer will return , neffe , even Belicena Villca announces it in her letter :
“ The Great White Chief , the Lord of the Absolute Will and Courage , will come once , twice , three times , to your World . The first time , he will break History , but he will go away , and cause the insensate laughter of the Demons ( it seems to me , neffe , this part of the prophecy has already been fulfilled ); the second he will raise the Final Battle , but will leave , amid the Roar of Terror of the Demons ( and I suppose , Arturo , this is what will happen very soon ); the third he will guide the Race of the Spirit to the Origin , but will go away forever , leaving behind the Fire Holocaust in which will convert the followers of the One God , men , Souls and Demons . But those who follow the envoy of the Lord of the War will be eternal !" ( And here I can only ask for " fiat , fiat ", neffe Arturo ).
These are the words of Captain Kiev , which will be inexorably fulfilled . You will look for the Tyrodal Order and you will take to their Initiates the Letter of Belicena Villca . It will be very timely because they are also looking for the Noyo and the Wise Sword to start the Final Battle . But you will take them something more important than the letter of Belicena Villca : the Sign of the Origin , which closes the Gates of Shambhala and opens the Gates of Agartha , through which the Führer and the Eternal
SS will return to fight the Final Battle ! That is the real reason for the great maneuver , neffe ! That you approach those who wait , at the right time , in the kairos of the Final Battle ! That is the spiritual meaning of all this series of coincidences : to approximate the Sign of the Origin to the kairos of the Final Battle !
And as with the House of Tharsis , as with me , neffe , you must understand that even with more reason they will try to get you out of the way . The Druids will pursue you ! Maybe Bera and Birsha in person !
For this reason I want to propose that we leave as soon as possible . From my stories , although incomplete , you will have already drawn enough conclusions . Further on , if circumstances allow , I will give you the details of the following events until 1947 , the year I came to Argentina and since I remain hidden . In short , and broadly speaking , this was what happened after 1939 . Bangi and Srivirya were granted German citizenship and were awarded the First Class Iron Cross . They were also incorporated to the Waffen SS with the effective degree of Untersturmführer . They stayed until the summer of 1939 in Berlin , where they were trained in cryptography and tasks related with the Secret Service , and finally departed for Tibet , and reunited with the Lopas that left our expedition , they were very committed to the mission they had been entrusted with : preparing an Elite corps that would act as a Foreign Legion within the Waffen SS . From there would come the famous Tibetan Legion , which secretly depended on the 1 st SS Panzerdivision Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler and one of whose battalions would defend to the death the Führer ' s bunker in April 1945 .
Karl von Grossen would also return to Asia . From India and China , he would deal with discreetly supplying the Tibetan Legion , whose natural settlement would be in Assam , in the domain of a Kâulika prince , staunch enemy of the English . In that little kingdom on the border with Bhutan , SS instructors coming especially from Germany complemented the offensive arsenal of the Kâulika monks , composed of arrows , daggers and scimitars , with modern weapons of tactical purpose , such