THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 495

The Mistery of Belicena Villca they will not be able to do while in the world there are spiritual men who raise the banner of the Origin , that speak with the Runes of Wothan . Hence we can affirm without fear of being mistaken , Operation First Key has been a success : we have taken an Initiate with the Sign of Origin to The Pitch , in front of the Gate of Bera and Birsha of Chang Shambhala ; and we have rescued him for the Strategy of Third Reich . In a word , we have inflicted on the Enemy the greatest challenge on his own ground : it ' s impossible that it now wants anything else than revenge . And its retaliation will no longer be diplomatic or political , it will no longer promote secret pacts that endorse coups d ' état or palace intrigues : the Third Reich must prepare to resist a formidable military potential .
And as for you , Lupus : it is not necessary to tell you what you represent for us . Counting on you means having a strategic advantage for the execution of the plans of the Black Order . Based on this we should try to preserve you from all danger ; it would be the most logical thing to do . However we will do all the opposite : we will not neglect your safety , but we will not prevent you from fulfilling your mission , the mission that was entrusted to you by the Gods when they marked you with the Sign of the Origin . So you will continue running risks ! We will carefully study your future operations and we will send you to close , with your Divine Sign , the Gates of Hell ! Now we know that you can do it , will you ?
The sixteen pairs of eyes were drilling my brain . I looked at Rudolph Hess , almost a father to me , what could I deny him ? And at Konrad Tarstein , my Hyperborean Instructor , the Sage who revealed so many secrets to me , what would I not give to him , who did not need or ask for anything for himself ? And to the remaining Initiates , the Secret Architects of the New Germany , the Chiefs of the SS Black Order : to deny something to them was to refuse to serve the country . At that moment , neffe Arturo , my answer could only be one :
– Heil Hitler ! --I yelled , and raised my right arm to nod unequivocally . My answer , neffe , and that was understood by all , was an oath , a vow of SS Knight .
When everyone left , half an hour later , and there was only the host , Rudolph Hess and I at 239 Gregorstrasse , we said goodbye to Tarstein and we left in the Mercedes . Same as before , I was driving and Rudolph Hess remained in the back seat . I longed to say hello to Ilse and discarded that we would go to Rudolph ' s house , but he immediately warned me " To the Kaiserhof Hotel ”. I looked at him in the rearview mirror , not understanding .
– Can ' t you guess who ' s waiting for us there ? --he asked , while smiling mockingly . I trembled as
I asked : – Dad ? – Yes , Kurt . Your father in person . The Baron Von Sübermann has traveled especially from Egypt to interview his elusive son . – Oh , what a joy ; what a joy . I still can not believe it . You warned him , right ? Tell me the truth , taufpate ?
– You are right . I notified him , when we learned that you were at sea , that you could come to Berlin 20 days later . And that ' s what he did without losing an instant . What was wrong with that ? It ' s good that your father sees you at least once a year . Or at the end of an operation in which you almost lose your life . You approve of my decision , right ? – Oh yes , taufpate . You have given me the most beautiful gift that I could have expected . That was one of the best nights of my life . With Dad , Rudoph , Ilse and little Wolf Rüdiger 60 , in Berlin , in January 1939 , the World seemed to be in our hands . I still remember that during dinner , Dad announced that his daughter had married a German-Argentine engineer and that soon after they would leave to settle in Argentina , where the Siegnagel were owners of a winery . And that Rudolph also announced that I would be promoted in the following days , in the hierarchy of the SS , with the degree of Standartenführer , thus skipping the intermediate degree of Obersturmbannführer . I would be , he said , a Stantartenführer or one of the Youngest Colonels of the Waffen SS .
Chapter XL
Dear neffe , this is how my first mission for the SS and the Third Reich ended . During it , the mysterious character of that Sign of the Origin was evidenced , which caused the devotion of some and the terror of others . Up to this point , many of your initial doubts will have vanished . You will have understood , that I hope , that the story of Belicena and my own story are structured on a same armor ,
60 Rudolph Hess ' son , two years old .