THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 494

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Devil like Him , traitor to the Spirit of Man , to resist the Sign of the Origin that you exhibit , is to shut himself up in the absolute unity of the Created Monad . But you ' ve already seen the result of that tactic , Comrade Lupus : he has not been able to finish with you , with the Sign of the Origin that you possess , and the Gates of Shambhala have been closed to our enemies .
– Oh , I wouldn ' t be so optimistic , Comrade Phoenix Bird --I suggested , at the same time that I shuddered agitated by old and new terrors-- . I make you present that if I preserve life it is not precisely by effect of the Sign but thanks to the intervention of those incredible warriors that are the Kâulika monks , and the invaluable collaboration of the Daivas dogs that brought us out of the Altyn Tagh . – Ah , Comrade Lupus , I ' m afraid You don ' t understand the situation . Phoenix Bird was reproaching me the same as Karl von Grossen . Obviously I understood nothing , or very little , of what was happening around me . Or they all pretended to understand what was happening better than I did . Or I was becoming extremely stubborn or stupid . But whatever it was , there was something that I did understand , and in which I was not wrong : the cause of all my ills , which until yesterday I considered a wonderful privilege , was the elusive Sign of the Origin . Gods Distinction or Stigma ? In front of me , the most important men of the Third Reich claimed to count on me , and on my Sign , to carry out the plans of the Führer . But , and this I was understanding now , the most terrible Forces of Hell , Forces that I had seen up close in Tibet , considered me a priori their mortal enemy and they would develop an unimaginable attack against me .
Allegorically speaking , such a situation , the only situation that perhaps I understood , was that the Third Reich was preparing to march on the World , like a cyclopean phalanx , and that I would then play the role of flag bearer . Yes , I would be the standard bearer of the Third Reich , and the flag that I would hoist would be the Sign of the Origin , the Sign of Lucifer , the Sign of Wothan , the Sign of Shiva , my Sign . And , as in any army in operations , the Enemy would try to conquer the flags , our banners , trying to bring down without prior notice the standard-bearer , trying to take away from him the Sacred Insignia of the Spirit , trying to take away his life , trying to take away the banner , trying to take away my life , trying to take away my Sign . I didn ’ t protest for the commentary of Phoenix Bird , and he continued : – Dear Lupus : You do not owe your “ salvation ” to anyone other than Yourself . Are you forgetting that if there was Operation First Key , and Daivas dogs , it happened because previously there was an Initiate Kurt von Sübermann , who carried the Sign of the Origin ? The Daivas dogs , and you , are the same thing , because without you there would be no Daivas dogs or Sign of the Origin , or Shiva , and no one capable of placing his Self beyond Kula and Akula . The Demon Bera attacked You with the fury of a vîmâna and you believe that you were saved " thanks " to the Daivas dogs : well , know that it is your own insecurity , your lack of faith in Yourself , your incomprehension of the situation , the cause for which You encourage such erroneous conviction ! Because if You were in reality the Initiate You should be , sure of Yourself in the face of Death , and beyond Death , until the Origin , You would know without a doubt that your Sign has turned You invulnerable to the attack of any Created Being , even the most powerful God ! If You found yourself alone , in front of the Demons Bera and Birsha , or other similar , and They applied all the Power of the Dordje on the heart , You would be easily out of their reach by standing beyond Kula and Akula , in the Origin , or creating with a tulpamudra your own Daivas dogs , or Lungpa " Daivas horses ", or any illusion of that sort !
– Okay ! Okay ! I give up ! – I proposed , smiling sadly ; and before the claims of the Initiates of the Black Order turned incontestable-- . I will strive to understand your points of view --I promised-- . Do you really think that those damned Immortals didn ' t just attack me to death but that they did close the Door of their Hideout ?
– That ' s right , Lupus --Tarstein said-- . I will tell you what has happened , according to the coinciding vision of all the Initiates here present . In principle , and this will surprise you , we have reasons to think that Ernst Schaeffer did not die in The Pitch . And if he had died during the attack , we are sure that the Immortals would resurrect him . For that ? For him to return to Europe to look for your head . Never , get it right , Lupus , because your life is at stake , They will never allow someone like you to exist in a synarchic society . For him On the contrary , being you in the middle there will be no pact between the White Fraternity and the Secret Societies of the Synarchy ; and therefore there will be no constitution of the Synarchy . Undoubtedly Ernst Schaeffer , or another similar fool , will be delegated by the Demons to make their conditions be heard in the West : and in those new conditions will be demanded the elimination of you and of all those who , like you , are bearers of the Sign of the Origin that they cannot bear .
The Universal Synarchy of the End of Times must see the Traitors Gods take possession of the world , as in the days of Atlantis , side by side with the Chief Rabbis of the Chosen People : but that