THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 493

The Mistery of Belicena Villca remember them perfectly : in both walls of the exit gorge , and with a height of 25 or 30 meters , there were two bas-reliefs that represented Beings of Divine nature , a kind of armed “ angels ” or “ bodhisattvas ”. I was silent for a few seconds , evoking that unforgettable vision . Then I added : – They had wings : the two angels displayed spread out their dove wings . And they wore white ankle-length robes : yes , it was the outfit of a Druid or of an ephod Levite ! They even wore the fourleaf clover on their chests ; and small stars , suns , half-moons , in the guards . And I also remember their weapons : each had his right hand closed on a handle , of which two globes protruded on either side . The scene was very suggestive and that is why I remember it so clearly : I was standing at the entrance gorge , when things had cleared up with Von Krupp ; then I looked towards the West , at the end of the glen , and I saw the vertex of the opening , or pass , flanked by those colossal sculptures . They both pointed with the index of their left hand the exit , as if inviting to pass , a gesture that they also accompanied with the expression of their diabolical faces ; however , the right hands kept pointing their balloons in the direction of every possible visitor , that is , towards the center of the glen . I think that I was just looking at the gorge of the West , and at their terrible guardians , when from there arose the ball of light that the Tibetans called " the vîmâna of Shambhala ”.
– There is no doubt , then , that you have been in front of the Door of Bera and Birsha – assured Phoenix Bird –. The mysterious " angels " you have described are not such , nor " bodhisattvas ", but Devils of the worst kind , who are commonly called " Immortals ": Bera and Birsha are two Immortal Demons that for thousands of years have acted in Europe and Asia , and whose image you have had the luck , or the misfortune , depending on how you look at it , to contemplate in that glen of Tibet . Their master , Melchizedek , assigned them millennia ago to work in favor of the Universal Synarchy of the Chosen People , taking special care to support the conspiracy within the peoples of Indo- European , Indo-Iranian and Hindustani lineage . In the European context , They have been the Supreme-Arch-Druids who secretly led the Druidic Order , and that is why Unicornis and other Initiates also qualify them as " Druids " or " Golen ". But They are beings much more powerful than the Druids , whom they command .
For example , They have been distinguished by Rigden Jyepo , the King of the World , with the Power of the Dordje , the most terrible weapon in the Solar System . Dordjes : those were the weapons , similar to two balloons joined by a handle , that you observed in the bas-reliefs of the Immortals ! But you , Lupus , not only perceived the Dordjes carved in the stone : You experienced firsthand its deadly power .
I looked at him open-mouthed . And Phoenix Bird clarified even more what my ears refused to listen .
--Specifically , Lupus : the buzzing of bees that you felt , and that caused the death of your comrades , is nothing more than the acoustic manifestation of the Power of the Dordje , which also acts on the other four tattvas ; with the Dordje it is possible to emit the om or the final yod , the monosyllable of the dissolution of the Created Forms , which is identical to the bija of the Beginning of Creation . It ' s very possible that it was the Demon Bera who applied the Power of the Dordje on his heart . In short , be sure that you have been in front of the Door of Bera and Birsha , in a gorge in Tibet known since ancient times as “ The Pitch ". Of course , The Pitch is not easy to get to , that is , it is not easy to reach its East gorge , but curiously on many ancient maps it appears there where you found it , by the Altyn Tagh Mountains .
– It can ' t be --I irrationally denied-- . I saw a flying vehicle , an alien ship ; I don ' t know what it was , but surely the buzzing was coming from it .
– So it is , dear Lupus : the phenomenon you saw was the Devil Bera in all his Power . It was not a flying ship , nor was it a vîmâna or unknown plane , but an " absolute unit of energy " of the Universe animated by the infernal " Intelligence " of Bera , which is the Sefirah Binah . An " absolute unit of energy ", " an archetypal atom ", adopted by Bera to present itself and unleash the dissolving Force of the Dordje : that is what you witnessed , even though you thought you saw something else .
– It is not possible --I repeated , disturbed , resisting to accept that that Mortal Presence was indeed an , " Immortal ", Demon , and that this Monster was finally in my footsteps . I was beginning to understand what Tarstein meant when warning me about " the hunters of the Synarchy " that they would try to collect pieces " of my species ". Imperturbable , Phoenix Bird continued to explain : – The archetypal atom is the Primordial Form par excellence , the Egg of Brahma , the monad made in the image and likeness of The One : all real atoms and all atomic forms , all units , emanate from it and participate of its exemplary existence . And do you know why Bera took that form to manifest before You and use the Power of the Dordje ? Because the only way that remains for a