THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 492

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
– Well then , Lupus , what happened to Ernst Schaeffer ' s Operation Altwesten and with the men that Operation First Key lost ? --asked Tarstein , baptizing me that way .
– All dead or missing --I affirmed-- . Both the members of the Operation Altwesten as ours . But allow me , Gentlemen , to relate step by step the events that have happened since I left Germany .
Nobody was disturbed when I anticipated the fate of those absent . Neither during the following hours , used in the narration , in which I did my best for providing the main details and presenting the information as objective as possible . Tarstein enlivened the extensive evening with two rounds of coffee , the last accompanied by exquisite jams . And I was hardly interrupted except to request some specific clarification . As I would later understand , those men did not need to ask anything because they were all extraordinary clairvoyants ; they possessed what was called in the Thulegesellschaft : Faculty of Anamnesia , that is to say , a power proper to the Hyperborean Initiates that allowed to explore the Akashic Cultural Records .
From there , from Gregorstrasse 239 , they had seen all that I had told them about our adventures in Asia .
– Don ' t take it bad , dear Lupus , --Tarstein said at last-- but we ' re going to beg you to wait downstairs . We must hold a Council .
The deliberation lasted another hour , until I was summoned again . Konrad Tarstein opened the dialogue :
– I congratulate you , Lupus : we have unanimously agreed that Operation First Key has been a success . Despite the losses , that cost nothing compared to the spiritual benefit of having frustrated the plans of the Demons . The three fallen , Heinz , Hans and Kloster , will be decorated , as well as Von Krupp and his men , for they were not part of Schaeffer ' s conspiracy .
– Allow me to interrupt you , Kamerad Unicornis . It is very good to decorate the dead , but what about the living ? What is going to happen with Karl von Grossen , Oskar Feil , and the two Tibetans ? where are they now ?
– Uncommunicated , of course --Tarstein confirmed fatally-- . Look , Lupus , we could only set them free , and still promote them , if you make sure they don ' t speak out of place . – And how would I do to give such credit ? – It ' s simple , Lupus : you just have to form a corps directed by you . For example , Oskar Feil would be your assistant from today ; and you would take care of controlling his tongue . Similarly , Karl von Grossen would dedicate himself to training an Elite team to support you in your future missions , and he would be in permanent contact with you . How about it ?
– I agree --I said , relieved-- , and very pleased ; because those men deserve the best treatment : they are brave and priceless patriots . But now , Gentlemen , after clarifying that matter that worried me , could I make some questions ? – Of course -- " Unicornius " Tarstein agreed . – Well . The thing is that you seem to know what happened in that valley of Tibet . You could then , clarify some doubts for me . For example , why were we attacked and by whom ? And I also have a question , perhaps not so " serious " like the previous ones , but that I am not ashamed to raise here : it is about the future of the Daivas dog . I cannot deny you , Gentlemen , that it has caused me great disappointment to leave Vrune caged in Hamburg , considering that it is a unique specimen on Earth and that it is about to give birth .
– You ' re right , Lupus ! --Tarstein accepted-- . Early tomorrow we will send the best veterinary SS officer in the country , and his team of assistants , with the mission to care for and transport the Daivas dog safely to Berlin . Have no doubts , that we value that animal in its proper measure and consider it a secret weapon of the Third Reich .
And about what you asked first : --Tarstein continued-- you were attacked by the Druids ! – By the Druids ? – I repeated incredulously – But we were in Tibet !
– Yes , by the Druids . Do you remember what I warned you about the first day you came to this house ?: “ among the hunters of the Synarchy , the Druids are in charge of collecting the pieces of your kind ” ... of your kind , Von Sübermann . You are surprised that they ambushed you in Tibet , but you must keep in mind that you went to get into " The Gate of Bera and Birsha ", that is , the sinister opening through which the Priests of Melchizedek enter Shambhala . At that particular door wanted to knock Ernst Schaeffer , because from there had come for thousands of years the Arch-Priests and Arch-Druids of the European Orders of the White Fraternity . – Bera and Birsha ? --I asked puzzled . – Indeed , Bera and Birsha – replied the Asian , whom we called “ Phoenix Bird ”. --Remember Lupus , didn ' t you see two majestic images , one on each side of the Gate ? – I suppose you refer to the figures of the winged bodhisattvas , who were carved into the walls of the gorge , or dvara , or shen , that is , in the gap between mountains at the end of the ravine . I