THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 491

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
– I thought you would like to take a previous lap through the city , before arriving to the Chancellery ; it will revive you , after so many months in Asia !
Edwin Papp had correctly interpreted my feelings . It was indescribable the happiness I felt then to find myself again in the fatherland , to which more than once in recent weeks I said goodbye , assuming I would never return . The Mercedes headed West and turned in front of the Brandenburg Gate , which was covered in flags with swastika and garlands from recent festivities . I was heading East now , by the Unter der Linden or Avenue of the Tilia : I saw Paris Square and the Statue of Frederick the Great pass by . At the end of the avenue , we went around the Opera Square , area of the Emperor ' s Palace , the Royal Library , the Opera of Berlin , the Catholic Church of St . Hedwig , the University , and various military buildings . Finally , from the Tiles and the Opera Square , the car headed to the Friedrichstadt neighborhood and began to roll down Vilhelmstrasse , which is its East limit . The ride was over .
– Can you imagine who sent me to pick you at the airport , right ? Your patekind suffered a lot when we thought you were lost and has great impatience to greet you and hug you . He didn ' t want anyone to divert you and that ' s why he sent his car to receive you and he commissioned me , under strict orders , --he joked-- to guard you until you arrive safe and sound at his side .
Minutes later we arrived at 77 Vilhelmstrasse . In the Reichskanzlei 58 , indeed , the Führer ' s Stellvertreter 59 awaited us .
An hour later , after saying goodbye to Oberführer Edwin Papp , I was leaving the Chancellery in the company of Rudolph Hess . He became very emotional when he saw me , and then I understood how much that old Dad ' s Comrade loved me . During the six years that he dealt with my destiny in Germany he was not only like a father , but also professed the same affection for me . Now we were going to Gregorstrasse 239 , to visit Konrad Tarstein .
It was the first time that we would go together and , as Rudolph Hess could be easily recognized by the public and did not want to draw attention to Tarstein ' s home , he had insisted that I drive the Mercedes while he sat discreetly in the back seat . In truth , not only with Rudolph Hess , but with no one but Tarstein was I ever in the mysterious mansion . I even came to suspect that the Initiates of the Black Order would meet somewhere else , because there was never anyone but the two of us during the two years that I frequented the house . But this time it would be different .
As if it were the repetition of a Ritual , I struck the moldy ring that swirled within the bronze fist and Konrad Tarstein ' s shrill voice answered from some undefined place , behind the rickety door . – Yes ? – I ' m Kurt von Sübermann --I introduced myself , speaking in the direction of the tiny peephole where the elusive little eyes of the Great Initiate verified my identity . The door opened and the chubby little figure of Konrad Tarstein appeared , his hand politely extended to greet me . – Kurt , Rudolph , I ' m glad to see you --he said , breaking the Ritual . -- Come in : we were waiting for you .
It was January 1939 . We spent the new year on the high seas , with Von Grossen and other Comrades . I thought of them while Tarstein led me to a room I had never entered , located on the upper floor . I thought of them and remembered the news I brought : in my opinion , the expedition of Ernst Schaeffer had failed in its purpose of sealing the pact between the " Healthy forces of Germany " and the White Fraternity of Chang Shambhala . If I was not mistaken , the Shambhala Gate had closed before reaching any agreement , and consequently the destruction of the Third Reich and the universal establishment of the Synarchy were not assured for the Enemy .
It was January 1939 and the Second World War would begin in September of that year . Around a strange crescent-shaped table , sat 16 Initiates of the SS Black Order . Aside from Tarstein and Rudolph Hess , I only recognized four more as high personalities of the Third Reich : the ten remaining ones were until then completely unknown to me . All of them were dressed in civilian clothes , but I assumed that several would be military , although others must be undoubtedly citizens , especially the Asian whose presence filled me with amazement .
I was introduced by Tarstein , and the Initiates greeted me kindly , but they did not give their names at any time . On the contrary , they identified with pseudonyms such as Aquilae , Leo , Serpens , Draconis , Corvus , Pavo , Cycnus , etc . The Asian said his name was Phoenix Bird .
They invited me to sit in front of them , in an armchair located in the convex part of the half-moon .
Reich Chancellery .
Lieutenant .