THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 483

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
And what did the Japanese " Comrades " do to favor the Strategy of the Führer ? Let ' s remember . Germany invades the Soviet Union on June 22 , 1941 . Anyone would think that with an " ally " like Japan occupying China from 1937 , the Soviet Union would be between two fires . Who thought that , would be very much mistaken , because on April 13 , 1941 , " coincidentally " two months before Operation Barbarossa , Japan signed the “ Pact of Japanese-Soviet Russian neutrality ” which implied the demilitarization of Manchuria and Mongolia . It is clear , neffe , that if Japan had really sharedour weltanschauung it would have attacked the Soviet Union simultaneously with the Germans : with the German armies to the West and the Japanese hordes to the East Soviet communism would have been suffocated in a deadly National Socialist clamp .
Logically , after 1945 I have thought a lot about the words of the Shiva-guru of Sining and it was difficult for me not to find them correct , since the facts confirmed them . Of course , in the face of Japan ' s dishonest attitude , it would have been better for us having the Chinese as allies : in those years they wanted to destroy Soviet Communism almost as much as getting the Japanese off their backs . Was the Führer wrong in trusting Japan , a mistake that would have cost him the Russian Campaign and the outcome of the World War ? I think there was no such mistake and that the Führer ' s Strategy was so brilliant that it was going to achieve the incredible effect of discovering the " Jewish mindset " wherever it was , even among the very " allies " of Germany . In a war of Supreme Principles as the one proposed by the Führer it was of no interest " winning " or " losing " in the Earth , on the material plane , but to impose a spiritual weltanschauung whose value was entirely outside the material plane : if the weltanschauung , the Hyperborean conception of the World , " our banners ", were understood by the man of Honor , the war would be won , even if a material setback was suffered ; if the weltanschauung was not understood , or was forgotten , the war would be lost , even if the fortunes of arms favored us . In that war of Supreme Principles , a life without Honor would have no interest : it would be the historical moment in which each people would demonstrate their true being and what they would like to be . An extraordinary man , perhaps a God , one whom the Kâulika called the Lord of the Absolute Will , had created the circumstances that would force each people to manifest their essence , which would expose the Synarchy , which would ripen the Judaic pus and cause it to sprout wherever it was incubating its corrupting culture . That being the case , was the Führer wrong or was he marvelously successful in getting Japan to unmask itself before the World and History and show its hidden face , which today causes the admiration of the Synarchy ?
In history there are no surprises . Historical facts record causes that sometimes go back centuries or millennia earlier . Japan is today a gigantic kibbutz , the Jewish mentality " has prevailed in all orders , in a manner similar to that of England , and a generalized consensus so that the country remains aligned in the Synarchy , belongs to the Trilateral Commission , to the U . N ., to the N . A . T . O ., etc .; everyone there talks about yens , peace , consumption , tourism , brotherhood , freedom , fraternity , etc . This " change ", apparently " surprising " given the " warrior " vocation of the Japanese before World War II is it really a change , due to the lesson of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , or the display of the truenature of the Japanese , who perhaps by a kind of collective trauma have wanted for centuries to be what they were not , that is , Kshatriyas , Samurais , and had they ended up simulating , playing , the role of warriors ? Because all historical phenomena , such as this supposed " change " of the Japanese , have ancient causes that justify it : no one becomes a Jew overnight , not even if he is circumcised ; to be a good son of Israel you need many " virtues ", such as usury and the love of profit , which take a long time to develop . But in such a short time the Japanesehave proven to be as good Jews as the Israelites and the English , Doesn ' t that mean that in Japan the Jewish mentality was larvated and that the heat of Hiroshima and Nagasaki only produced its metamorphosis , the birth of the synarchic chrysalis that today is already one more beautiful butterfly in the swarm of the White Fraternity ?
Dear neffe , you are an idealistic young man and you know History well . Listen to this principle , proven by an old man who has already lived too long , and which synthesizes everything I have told you about the attitude of the Japanese : no people loses its Honor suddenly ; there is no example in History that proves otherwise . The peoples , like everything that lives , follow the laws of nature and among themselves , as among the inhabitants of the jungle , there are lion peoples and sheep peoples , condor peoples and rat peoples ; and , as among animals , no lion turns in a blow into a sheep , no condor is suddenly transformed into a rat : if such " change " was indeed possible , it would require a long , millennial , evolution . Of course , as in fables , sheep may sometime dress up as lions , rats dress up as condors . Here ' s what I think : the Führer ' s strategy has marked a historical hour , analogous to the hour agreed upon at costume balls when everyone must remove their mask , in which we have been given to observe sheep and rats , and countless other vermin , under the showy and deceptive costumes of lion , condor , and other predators .