THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 484

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
I think , neffe , that the Japanese were already before the World War what they are today ; that they did not " change " a thing ; that the Shivaguru was right in his fears , but that he did not fully understand the Führer ' s Strategy ; that , indeed , they betrayed us , because their hearts were with the White Fraternity , although their lips denied the strategic acts opposed to our weltanschauung ; and that this was predictable , especially for the Chinese , who had known for millennia the kind of oxen with which they plowed . But the betrayal did not consist only in the infamous pact , respected scrupulously , leaving the Soviets free to deal only with Germany . Let us also remember that on December 7 , 1941 , when the Germans faced the terrible Russian Winter , relentlessly facing the Bolsheviks , the Japanese " Comrades " attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor , thereby granting that colossal and stupid synarchic power to intervene directly in the world war .
According to the classical model of Judaic Justice , the " sin " of a people towards Jehovah is redeemable through the Ritual Sacrifice of a part of its members and the submission of the rest to the Law . Although the Japanese did not participate directly in the benefits of Jewish culture , their fondness for Buddhism , and all forms of religion founded on Chang Shambhala ' s Kâlachakra , showed that its departure from the Law was not so great : the greatest sin was undoubtedly its recent alliance with Nazism and Fascism . But that little sin required only a purgatory , of Fire , as opposed to the eternal condemnation that the Rabbis intended to apply to German National Socialism .
How to purge an entire people of a sin that offends the Creator ? By the bleach , the Rabbis reply ; washing away the sin of the whole race by means of the human bleach obtained in the One Sacrifice , and then reincorporating after the purgatory the entire Race to the Paradise of the Universal Synarchy . It wouldn ' t be very expensive the price to pay : 250 to 300 thousand men would be enough to make sufficient ash . The Rabbis and the Japanese Priests of the White Fraternity arrange the pact , and this is how on August 6 , 1945 and August 9 , 1945 the atomic bombs fall on Hiroshima and Nagasaki : ash of thousands of men , salt of Earth and Heaven , water of Heaven and Earth , human bleach that washes away man ' s sin against Jehovah God and against God ' s Law .
Who orders the mini Fire Holocaust of the Japanese is the Hebrew President of the United States , Harry Solomon Truman , whose real last name is Shippe . 33rd Degree Mason , has the hidden advice of the Great Sanhedrin and Jews and Freemasons of the stature of Dean Acherson , of General Marshall , Snyder , Rosenman , etc ., who are openly supported by the Jewish band of Baruch , Eleanor Roosevelt , Herbert Lehman , Haverell Harriman , Paul Hoffman , Walter Lipman , etc . Because the real synarchyc work of the United States in World War II was not developed by Truman , who only came to power on April 12 , 1945 , after the sudden death of the Jew Roosevelt : this was the true realizer of the Jewish plans . Descendant of Klaes Martensen Rosenwelt , a full-blooded Hebrew who immigrated to New York in 1644 , Franklin Delano Roosevelt recorded double Jewish paternity : both his father , James Roosevelt , and his mother , Sarah Delano , belonged to the Chosen People . Also his wife , Eleanor , daughter of the Jews Elliot and Anna Hall . The Jewish mafia that unleashed the 1929 crisis catapulted him to power : some of the collaborators of that time were Jews of extreme dangerousness and nameless evil , such as Bernard Baruch , Herbert Lehman , Haverell Harriman , Sol Bloon , Samuel Rosenman , Henry Morgenthau , Oscar Straus , Marios Davies , Truman , etc ., all of exceptional power in the White House .
Sacrifice accomplished , Japanese sin washed with human bleach in Hiroshima and Nagasaki , then would come the reward that is in sight : the Plan of reconstruction of the Jewish Marshall , the end of Japanese " militarism ", the integration into the international synarchic system , the barter of the samurais for the yens , the elevation of their standard of life , in short , the discovery of the true face of Japan , as the Shiva-guru of Sining wisely anticipated .
Of course , these charges against Japan cannot be relativized or tempered by the fact that during the war many Japanese fought with unparalleled heroism , such as the Kamikazes . Things must be called by its name and the exceptions to the rules acknowledged : as in loyal Germany there were countless traitors , in traitorous Japan there were many brave loyal warriors who honorably stood out .
Chapter XXXVII
If Sining-Fu had amazed me by its large dimensions , what can I say of Lan-Cheu-Fu that was four times bigger ? But it was about two different kinds of cities : Sining-Fu represented the typical border city , located on an important trade route ; its life depended more than anything on the traffic of goods and was not particularly interested in production ; so it looked like , as I said , a huge market . Lan-Cheu-Fu , on the other hand , constituted the classic metropolis : it was the capital of the province of Kansu and , although traded as much or more than Sining , it was endowed with key industries such as textiles and steel , and collected a wide variety of agricultural products . Sitting on the right bank of the Yellow River , it gave the impression of being a medieval European city for its crenellated