THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 482

The Mistery of Belicena Villca those who have tried and mastered the desire of the Five Forbidden Things , have sufficient will to perform in the Green Band .
That path is not for anyone , I repeat it . I , for example , prefer the tranquility of our Monasteries , the serenity of the gymnasiums of Martial Arts , to the permanently dangerous path of the Green Band . However , we all need each other if we are to march fighting towards the same goal . Thus , the Green Band helps the Kâula Circle with what represents its strength : the domain of material values . And the Kâula Circle helps the Green Band with what it does best : sha 49 . Naturally , for us , as for Krishna , the son of Indra , killing means nothing , if the Spirit of the murderer is beyond Mâyâ , the Illusion of Life ; when our scimitar reaps the miserable life , the Spirit dances with Shiva the Dance of Destruction .
– I know that I should not explain these things to You , who are enlightened by Shiva , and that have performed the marvelous feat of decimating the Duskhas vampires . I asked you about the Green Band , not to know Your opinion , but to inform you that they will be the ones who will lead you to Shanghai . In Lan-Chen-Fu we will put you in contact with the Green Band and from then on you will be in their hands , which are absolutely trustworthy . If you wished so , they could take you out of China through Hong Kong , but if you insist on dealing with the Japanese you can also go to Shanghai . Before leaving , the Shivaguru of Sining made us a remarkable reflection : – You Germans are wrong to trust the Japanese : they , sooner or later , will betray you ! We have known them for millennia and for that reason we can speak with fundament : deep down they are miserable Buddhists , even if they show off their samurai tradition . They were oncebrave warriors , it is true , but only the memory remains of that ; and on memories live the crippled and the elderly . They have been worked by the Buddhists Priests of the White Fraternity , they have been " moralized ", that is , softened , weakened , tamed , pacified . Today , under the apparent austerity beats the Dragon of Envy for the luxury and the Culture of the West ; under the disguise of humility pants the bourgeois desirous of all pleasures ; under the mask of the warrior consecrated to the hardships of the struggle , is the cowardly face of the one who loves the comforts of peace ; under the declaimed honor hides the betrayal . Remember my words , Shivatulku , and repeat them to your Führer if you can . Your natural ally is not Japan but China : this is where the Tao passes through !
Oh neffe Arturo , how right that Kâulika monk was in 1938 ! Just as the Führer explained to me that graduation night , at the Chancellery , and just as was public knowledge , he was the first to bare the internal armor of the Synarchy and expose its Jewish core . In the center was Zionism , esoterically held by the Sages of Zion of the Great Sanhedrin ; To dominate the World , the Synarchy had two tactical wings , one right or Judeo-liberal , and another left or Judeo-Marxist ; the right wing was supported esoterically by Freemasonry and hundreds of related sects ; Marxism counted directly with the control of the Chosen People ' s members , so its esoteric foundation would be simply rabbinical . According to the Führer , the man most politically enlightened in history , this is how the Great Jewish Conspiracy or Universal Synarchy organically works . But , it was one thing to affirm it and another to prove it . How do you get the enemy , an enemy capable enough to develop a Strategy for centuries and involve in it peoples , countries and nations , unmasked ? How to get the Enemy to abandon all caution and expose its dark alliance ? How to provoke it to reveal itself in this way ?
The Führer found the solution . “ If there is one thing the Sages of Zion , or the Synarchy , or the White Fraternity , or the Creator himself , Jehovah-Satan , won ' t ever permit , will be that Communism perishes ”, it was more or less the great reasoning . Indeed , Communism , the purest political expression of the Jewish mentality , could not be lost : such a possibility , for the Synarchy , was naturally inconceivable . And from such a political point of view " Communism ", ergo , was the Soviet Union . In short , a tactical strike against the Soviet Communism would oblige all States participating in the Sinarchy to run to the aid of its ally . Attacking the Soviet Union was , thus , a strategic objective of the first order against the Universal Synarchy . The Führer knew it and acted consciously , foreseeing that the Total War of the Third Reich against the Synarchy would be a War of Supreme Principles : the Eternal Spirit against the Powers of Matter . During the war he anticipated what was to come , with his usual precision : “ If we win the war , the world Jewish power will have gone forever ; if we lose , their triumph will be short-lived , because their organization will be definitely exposed ”.
49 Sha : kill .