THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 481

The Mistery of Belicena Villca by any of the parts "; " the parts of the Kingdom are worth while they serve ". Naturally , this Kingdom is Malkuth , the tenth Sefirot .
Chapter XXXVI
Communists and Kuomintang nationalists , explained to us the Kâulikas of Sining , while fighting united against the Japanese , held hard clashes with each other in the interior regions of China . Japan controlled the entire eastern coast , south of Canton , and occupied such important cities as Shanghai , Nankin , Hankou , Beijing , etc . But it ' s never been easy to get hold of China : countless cities were dominated by Chiang Kai-Shek ' s troops while the Communists were remarkably strong in the campaign , where they had the unconditional sympathy of the Chinese peasantry ; this was the result of 20 years of proselytism in the field , contradicting the postulates of Marxism-Leninism that affirmed the revolutionary primacy of the proletariat or urban working class : that political tactical success was the work of Mao Tse Tung ; and thus a small guerrilla movement , which began in the southern Kiangsi 46 and Fukien provinces , and spread to central Szechwan after the " Long March ", was now a powerful irregular military force that had under its control three more provinces , around Yenan : Shensi , Ningshia , and Kansu , the province in which we were located .
This meant that the Communists ruled the countryside and guarded the roads of that region . Moreover , the forces of Chiang Kai Shek , strong in the cities , also patrolled the roads , harassing each other at times with the Communists . This situation posed certain risks for those who tried to move to the East without being enrolled in some of the sides in conflict . The Shivaguru of Sining suggested us a way to get to Shanghai :
– Since you do not consider the Japanese your enemies , I am going to suggest a way to reach them without first being killed by the Communists or the nationalists . A few months ago it would have been very simple taking the Northeast roads and benefitting from the navigable stretches of the Yellow River . But now a terrible misfortune has occurred , which has made that region intransitable : the Tung Chih 47 Chiang Kai-Shek , may Kuan Yin have mercy on his passionate heart , just blew up the Hoang-Ho River levees to stop the advance of the Japanese , but such action has cost a terrible sacrifice of innocent Chinese lives .
Indeed , neffe : in 1938 , Chiang flooded the Yellow River valley and sentenced a whopping 880,000 people to die by drowning . Yes , almost a million killed by a single order : and I have not heard of anyone bringing him to trial for “ crimes against humanity ”, in 1945 . If this has not happened , it will be necessary to admit that this was acquitted beforehand , and that such a pardon was granted to him in recognition of his refined sepoy quality .
– As it is --continued the Shivaguru-- I advise you to travel to Lan-Chen-Fu , a city located 200 km to the East . From there it is possible to go to Shanghai in different ways : they will tell you how . I remind you that in times of peace , it was feasible to travel the 200 km to Shanghai using the railroad . Now that cannot be done because the section that led us to Lan-Chen-Fu is interrupted by the blowing up of the bridge over the Yellow River ; and from Lan-Chen-Fu , there is only one branch that does not go beyond Cheng Chou , in the Honan Province 48 . Anyway , you will have to save on horseback the 200 km , along a path infested with guerrillas or " nationalists " and , possibly , you will have to kill members of both sides ; but do not worry , killing is a common task these days !
– You are eleven : I will reinforce you with 25 men armed with rifles , part of the troop that protects our neighborhood . Let ' s talk now about what you will do in Lan-Chen-Fu . Have you heard of the Green Band ?
– Is it the bandit brotherhood ? --asked Von Grossen , who evidently knew something about the matter . The Shivaguru grinned compassionate .
– Don ' t be hard on us . The Green Band is a Secret Society . And Secret Societies are to China what fragrances are to flowers . The Green Band is a Society of Initiates who share our same Tântra and coincide in identical Tao : many of its members have been or are Kâulika monks . Except that they , due to their particular idiosyncrasy , have chosen a way that goes much deeper into the World of sleeping men . But they , of course , could not accept or comply with the laws of that World without ending also lethargic . And they don ' t ! They act in their own way , according to their own Honor code , and that is why they are called " bandits " by sleeping men . But do not underestimate them because it takes a lot of courage to be the Lord of Oneself in the midst of pleasures and temptations : only
46 Example of a Chinese name : Kiang : river ; Si : west ; Kiangsi : River of the West
47 Tung Chih : Comrade .
48 Ho : river ; Nan : south ; Honan : River of the South .