THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 480

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
But it is not just a presumption , the fact that the Carthaginians as the Phoenicians , Egyptians , Assyrians , Babylonians , etc ., have deeply employed it , because in the Aryan Kingdoms where priestly hypocrisy has prevailed for some period , the Principle of Division has also been used , since the Priestly castes and the Synarchy record both common interests . The proof of its non-Aryan origin is , as it could not be otherwise , in its biblical origin . That is to say , the Principle , which gives the Right to Divide , although ancient and not Aryan , finds its legal formulation in the people who worship a God of Justice , One who lays the Tablets of the Law ; and that people is Israel , the Chosen People of Jehovah-Satan .
In order to present the Principle of the Division , the Doctors of the Law expressed it through a metaphor in Book I of the Kings . From that figure the Principle will be extracted and legally regulated , converted into Divine right of Kings and Emperors ; and , modernly , in unwtitten law proper of the hierarchs of Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon imperialism .
Logically , since it is a right , its sanction must be carried out in the course of a trial . And a trial in which the judge emerges unappealable , in such a way that the right exercised becomes the Supreme Principle , the First Law . Such a judge can only be " the wisest man on Earth and in History "; and he must also be King , because the Principle of Division will only grant the right to Sovereigns of the Carthaginian model . The man who met those conditions was , of course , King Solomon : “ Your servant Solomon is in the midst of the Chosen People , that is so numerous that its crowd cannot be counted . Grant your servant a prudent heart , so that he knows how to judge and discern between the good and the bad . Because , who is capable of judging this so considerable People of yours ?"
“ It pleased Jehovah that Solomon made this request and so he said : ... I will grant you what you ask : I will give you such a wise and intelligent heart , as there has not been another before you nor will there be after you ”. ( I Kings 3,7 ).
The character is already presented : he is wise by God ' s disposition , his judgment is unappealable ; and he is King . He must , then , exercise the Right to Divide , so that it becomes the Supreme Principle , the First Law . The opportunity is provided by two Jewish prostitutes who discuss the maternity of a child : one of them substituted her dead child for the other ' s child .
" Then the King said : this one says : My son is the living one , and your son is the dead . While that one replies : It is not true ; your son is the dead one and mine is the living one . And the King added : bring me a Sword and ordered : Split in two the living child and give a half to one and the other half to the other ” ( I Kings 3,23 ).
This is the famous " Solomonic judgment ", which legalizes the King ' s right to divide if that is useful ; in this case the utility is in knowing the truth , that will valorize the mother with her child reestablishing the service . It should be noted that the Priestly character of the Investiture has been made very clear : the King does not carry the Sword : he requests it ; he is a Priest . Let ' s remind ourselves that the Bible is a Sacred Book and that in it even the last speck has meaning . We hear Evangelist preachers daily qualify the Bible as the “ Word of God ". But there are those who blindly believe that this is true : they are the Kabbalist Rabbis , the same ones who , precisely , secretly handle Masonry and dozens of Secret Societies of the Synarchy , organizations in which , coincidentally , the " statesmen " who lead Carthaginian Anglo-Saxon imperialism are active .
Therefore , it is a serious thing the Principle that emerges from the Biblical metaphor . What do those images mean , in rabbinical terms ? That the Priest-King has the right to request the Sword and divide : and that that fact is fair . Not just fair , but the source of Justice . Justice at the beginning of the judgment is not manifested , it is not known who the mother really is : Justice was present after the Priest-King exercised the right to divide . In short : the Priest-King takes the Sword , “ the Power of the State ”, and exercises the right to divide the body of a child , “ a small people ”, and this is fair , it produces Justice , the very foundation of the Priest-King ; conclusion : the King ' s right to divide his bases justifies the rupture and strengthens the Throne .
With their customary realism , the Rabbi Doctors have interpreted this way the Solomonic judgment and have synthesized it in the Talmud , whence Machiavelli surely learned it : " the King must divide to reign ".
This non-Aryan , Judaic and amoral principle has become the rector axiom of the Carthaginian- Anglo-Saxon imperialists . They divide everything , like I demonstrated before , and even when retiring , for example from a colony , they leave it divided in all possible orders , from territorial to political and economic , counting for that task , of course , on their cohorts of sepoys .
Remember , neffe , that the famous " International Labor Division " is a concept of XIX century English liberalism . Now you can see that it gets inspired in the Talmudic Principles : “ the King , if he is Wise , must divide his bases to reign ”; “ the King is the only whole , who cannot be reached