THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 479

The Mistery of Belicena Villca the Principle of synarchic principles , the Supreme Principle that is the cornerstone of the juridicsocial structure of the Synarchic State : the Principle of Division .
Division of what ? Of everything , because the Principle of Division gives the Emperor or King , Carthaginian , English or Yankee , the right to divide the structure of the peoples . The comparison has to be made immediately , so that the differences can be seen : the Principle of Honor of the Greco- Roman imperialists was essentially ethical and created the obligation to seek the common good , to assess the value of the courageous ; on the contrary , the Principle of Division of the Carthaginian- Anglo-Saxon imperialists was fundamentally juridical and amoral and generated the right to divide to ensure the value of those who serve , to protect the democratic freedom of being worth by being useful , producing , serving .
Here are the fundamental differences of both models : the ethical against the juridical and amoral ; the moral obligation to seek the common good , against the amoral right to divide the common good to extract its utilitarian value . The Greco-Roman imperialism produced “ citizens of the Empire ”, an honorable title that in no way diminished their nationality or racial pride . The Carthaginian-Anglo- Saxon imperialism models “ citizens of the World ”, ambiguous and dishonorable title that most of the time hides the unspeakable betrayal .
We already know the citizens of the Empire from History . It is interesting , on the other hand , to know how are the “ citizens of the world ”, analogous title to " slave of the Synarchy "? Well , these are beings that have been conformed according to the Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon model , that is , beings that have undergone all the modes of the Principle of Division . They are habitually internationalists because their nationality has been divided and disintegrated : they believe that the international saves the difference between the peoples . They are determined pacifists because their psychic structure was froideanly divided and theirwarrior instinct described as " primitive aggressive tendencies originating in the cortex , the animal brain , and arising through the Unconscious ”: for the psychoanalytic Culture , the warrior instinct is a shameful , almost animal impulse , extremely dangerous " because it can be incarnated in the Myth of the Hero " and become dominant in consciousness ; those who are thus indoctrinated , identify war with savagery , and believe that peace must be achieved at any cost because in that social status it is possible to demonstrate utility by serving pacifist imperialism , World Government , Synarchy , or whatever is called the system that exploits them . These specimens are color blind to nationality and have been blocked their warrior instinct ; they therefore lack heroism , capacity of patriotic reaction , they are psychologically mutilated beings who believe in the union of several concepts impossible to unite under a Carthaginian Anglo- Saxon imperialism : peace , happiness , creation , progress , freedom , civilization of love , universal fraternity , etc . Naturally , in our Epoch , they can be good communists or good liberals , indistinctly .
But in addition to being internationalists or pacifists , they can be collaborators of the Carthaginian imperial system , working from within their Nations , in which they do not believe , to favor the contribution of utilitarian value that the imperialists have assigned to their people or country ; or they can be agents of imperialism and devote themselves to executing its plans . Either way , their task will be , from the inside or the outside , to divide , that is , in applying the Principle of Division wherever there is something united that opposes Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon imperialism : intrigue , corruption , Machiavellism , bribery , deceit , defamation , publicity , disinformation , etc ., all means and crimes will be valid to divide the wholes and strengthen the parts that are useful and serve foreign imperialism . In the formation of lackeys of this class , Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon imperialism has always excelled : the classic type is the " sepoy ". Naturally , I don ' t mean the Hindu sepoy , the concrete man who many times with incredible courage tried to get rid of the English plunderers , but the sepoy type , the class of " valuable man at their service " that the English wanted to make by dividing all his principles . Thousands of such mercenaries existed in Carthage . In Asia and Africa the English would manufacture them by the hundreds of thousands .
And so we come to Chiang Kai-Shek , who was the classic type of sepoy at the service of the Carthaginian Anglo-Saxon colonial power , and we verify that when correctly defining the terms such a character can have nothing of " nationalist " but much of an imperialist agent . He , like Gandhi in India , Marcos in the Philippines , F . Duvalier in Haiti , Reza Pahlevi in Iran , Tito in Yugoslavia , Fidel Castro in Cuba , and so many countless tyrants from Asia , Africa and Latin America , were great sepoys that systematically divided the true nationalist movements of their countries and then crushed them part by part ; it is understood : nationalism is the worst enemy of Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon imperialism .
Now then , neffe : I have shown you that the Supreme Principle of Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon imperialism is the Principle of Division and I opposed it to the Principle of Honor , that lays the foundation of the Universal Aryan Empire . Well then , it should be added that such a " Principle of Division " is essentially non-Aryan .