THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 478

The Mistery of Belicena Villca social-legal structure of the national State : the Principle of Honor . The justice with which the Empire will treat a conquered or ally people , on which its existence and development will depend , only will require the guarantee of Honor . For example , Alexander , imperialist with Honor , did not need to dismember Egypt , or impose the Greek language on the Egyptians , or annihilate them , nor subject them to slavery , nor destroy their pyramids , to accept them without prejudice as federated of the Macedonian Empire . And the Romans , bridging the gap , when they finally subdued the Gauls , who had bloodily resisted for centuries , proceeded in the same honorable way : and to such extreme they opened the gates of the Empire for them , that in a short time it was no longer spoken of Gauls but of Gallo-Romans .
The other Model of Empire is the Carthaginian , typically non-Aryan , inherited by the Phoenicians from their Semitic ancestors of Assyria , Babylon and Sumer . It is convenient to understand this concept because to the Carthaginian model have adhered the English and the Americans , peoples completely Judaized by the systematic and tireless work of the White Fraternity .
Belicena Villca already spoke of the Carthaginians in her letter : merchant people lacking ethical principles ; only skillful for trade and piracy , famous for the human sacrifices they offered to their Incandescent Iron Idol . Carthaginians , English , Yankees : like their predecessors of the Assyrian- Babylonian empire , they would think that the remaining peoples of the Earth are a consumable item for their insatiable appetites ! Here is the equivalent principle to the value of the peoples in the Greco- Roman model : for the Carthaginians , English and Yankees , the subjugated peoples do not have the value by themselves but so far as they are useful to the Empire . Thus , the peopleconquered or dominated is enslaved , humiliated , dehumanized , emptied of its own value , transformed into a tool , into a utensil : it has value while it serves . Judaic principle of value that is not found by accident at the height of the Anglo-Saxon imperialism . If a “ colonial ” people serves , then it must be exploited without limits ; if it can serve , then it must be indoctrinated so that it provides utility , which represents an investment that will have to be protected and recovered with interest . If something is opposed to exploitation , it must be neutralized : if not proceeded like this , they will justify themselves hypocritically , they would not be " helping " that people to regain its value , that is , its utility . Man has a price , like the merchandise : he is worth what he does , and may be worth more for what he is capable of doing . The Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon Empire will commit to extract the maximum utilitarian value from the peoples , granting them the possibility of being worth a lot by producing a lot . What is opposed to this magnanimous concession of those who wield the Power of the World , will be destroyed : in benefit of those who are submitted but can prove their worth ; in defense of the possibility of being useful to the imperialists , a possibility that they seriously call " democratic freedom ”. And what is it that is opposed to that people who are worth nothing , be valued by being useful to the Empire , serving , producing , allowing the Empire to seize its wealth , if it has , or being careful not to spend it for own profit if the Empire needs it now or tomorrow ?
Is its own culture the obstacle ? Then it will be reculturalized by all possible means . Is the national conscience the enemy ? Well , then the essence of the national Being will be attacked : it will begin by discrediting or denying one ' s own good and the good of another will be exalted ; on the contrary , the bad of others will be diminished and its own bad will be exalted to the point of exaggeration ; so this way trust in the National Destiny will collapse , and the people will believe overwhelmed that the cultural distance between its own national weakness and the strength and greatness of others , is insurmountable . The second step will consist of specifically attacking the supports of the national Being : territoriality , national symbols , traditions , etc . The borders will be displaced or threatened to create the feeling that the Nation " is not finished ", that its something half built , which does not exist ; the great men of the Nation will be slandered , those who either badly or well contributed to its existence , for the people to be ashamed of their past ; they will be presented for comparison , on the other hand , to their imperialist contemporaries , so that the people repudiate their heroes and admire the gringos , and regret , what were we doing , while they built their mighty empires ?
Is racial unity the impediment ? The people will be bastardized favoring the immigration of inferior races . Is it national unity ? It will be disintegrated by bribing or buying leaders , pitting one against the other , and creating chaos , the evidence that “ it is a people in which their members cannot agree with each other ”.
As you can see , neffe , the Carthaginian model shows quite a modus operandi in the action of the imperialists . While on the Greco-Roman model " the most valuable was the most courageous ", and the courageous peoples could grow and develop without problems , according to their own cultural guidelines , in the Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon model , the principle must be applied permanently “ it is worth while it serves ”, which forces the defeated peoples to be subdued , or dominated by the vilest practices . And here we also get to the heart of the question : the legal support of the previous principle , and of all those that constitute the Carthaginian-Anglo-Saxon Empire , is