THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 477

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
The Kaulika community of Sining-Fu was really important . We checked it out when entering the neighborhood " of the pale faces ", named for the color of the skin of their neighbors , and admiring the enormous Sanctuary of Shiva that those possessed . They offered to provide us with everything we needed to start a new expedition to Tibet : they were especially excited by the idea that we undertook the annihilation of other Gompas such as that of the Duskhas . They were disenchanted when we explained them that we had to return to Germany .
– If our Race one day comes to dominate the World , and remains faithful to the Hyperborean Wisdom of the SS , there will be no place on Earth for the worshipers and servants of the Powers of Matter : the Eternal SS will destroy them without mercy and you , heroic Kâulikas , will be next to us , wearing , perhaps , the Totenkopf 45 insignia --I assured them , without suspecting that the latter would come true sooner than I thought .
In view of our irrevocable decision , the Kâulikas agreed to support the trip to the East . Briefly , they explained the situation to us . China ´ s two most powerful military forces were Chiang Kai-Shek ' s " nationalists " and Mao Tse-Tung ' s communists . Before 1937 the two armies were fighting fiercely , but now they faced the Japanese enemy together . Naturally , for anyone who understands the political structure of the Synarchy , Mao ' s communists were supplied by the Soviet Union and the " nationalists " of Chiang helped by England and the United States , that is to say , Anglo-Saxon imperialism . And fraternally united , as its foreign partners were in the Synarchy , the right and the left sided against Japanese " fascism ": on a reduced scale , it was happening in the Chinese war what would happen four years later in World War II .
There was only one difference , that for the case was not important because the awakened man is guided by facts and not by names : it was the qualifying of " Nationalists " that adopted to define themselves the members of the Chiang Kai-Shek party . Curiously , those " nationalists " were not supported by us National Socialists , but by the liberalism at all costs of the Anglo-Saxons . And this is easily explained because that ' s what they were Chiang and his supporters : exponents of the most reactionary liberal right in China , that is to say , the most sepoy . In this sepoy thing , a supporter of the colonialist powers to the detriment of his own people , it must be admitted that Chiang Kai-Shek was almost as great as the Mahatma Gandhi , that agent of the English Secret Service that handed India over to the exploitation of the masters of the Commonwealth preventing a true nationalist revolution from taking place there , that is , national socialist .
Therefore , calling Chiang a " nationalist " would be a joke , a bad joke , if it weren ' t for the role that his bosses of the Synarchy made him represent , finally caused the fall of the ancient Chinese culture in the mean and narrow Marxist-Leninist doctrine . No ; Chiang was not a nationalist but plainly and simply a sepoy . Formosa , modern Taiwan , where there are no popular corporations and the ethical codes that characterize nationalism but rather the rapacious action of multinational companies and the World Banking , and the unlimited exploitation of the Chinese people , completely marginalized from deciding the Destiny of their " Nation " since this has already been determined by the Synarchy .
If a people wishes to be imperialist , History offers them two classic models , which for no less understood by the observers are less used in all times . One is the Greco-Roman model , inherited from the ancient concept of " Universal Empire " of the Indo-Iranians : this model , and Rome gave us one of the last examples , only requires that the remaining peoples are subjected militarily , not culturally ; thus , peoples of different idiosyncrasies could be integrated into the Roman Empire preserving their Culture , language and customs , and , if they were brave enough to proudly resist the pax romana , they could obtain extraordinary concessions , such as the citizenship of the Gauls and Spaniards , and the control of the army , and of the entire Empire , achieved by the Germanic ; this was possible because in that model of Empire value was based paradoxically in the real courage of peoples : the bravest was the most valuable ; This principle had an unquestionable character and no one feared the imperial rise of a brave people for it was obvious that such people was valuable to the Empire .
That is , in that first model it would not be necessary to practice the cultural indoctrination of the defeated , employing brainwashing , destroying them morally , corrupting them , keeping them in barbarism or returning them to savagery : that did not suit anyone , it went against the juridic essence of the Universal Aryan Empire , that is to say , went against Honor . And here ' s the heart of the issue : the ethical support of the previous principle , and of all of those that constitute the Universal Empire , is the Principle of principles , the Supreme Principle that is the cornerstone of the
45 Totenkopf : skull insignia .