THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 473

The Mistery of Belicena Villca memory , the attack of the deadly buzz and the escape thanks to the Daivas dogs . I was still living miraculously ! But where was I ? Because it was evidently not Sining but the bank of a river , a short beach at the foot of a hillside .
I was sitting on the floor , still holding in my hands the now inert reins of the Daivas dogs . Inches from my feet , the rumorous river sang the melody of Nature . Brightness against the hillside showed me the Lopas gathering firewood and feeding an improvised campfire . Karl von Grossen and Oskar Feil had stood up and were watching the scene in silence , as if stunned . When the eyes of the Standartenführer met with mine he reacted : – Von Sübermann : Gott sei dank ! Where are we ? What became of the others ? I sat up and replied with stark frankness : – I don ' t know . I ignore which place is this . We are surely a long way from the camp , but at least we ' re still alive . Because if I ' m convinced of something is that those who did not come with us must have died in the glen . Who could survive that attack from the Demons ? If even the Kaulika monks , who are experts in such a kind of Black Magic , feared to die inevitably !
In that moment the three of us remembered the monks and searched for them with the glance : the eight were by the fire that they had lit in the shelter of huge rocks , and they watched us in turn calmly . Karl and Oskar approached them . I wanted to do the same , but the reins prevented me . To my horror I discovered that one of the mastiffs had died ; the other standing next to it , made periodic groans of pain .
– If I owed my life in this world to anyone , besides my parents , it was to those dogs , so I was understandably moved by the loss of one of them . I let the survivor continue with its pitiful howls , heartbroken requiem for the absent couple , and I approached the group . Without courtesy , I questioned Srivirya :
--How is it that one of the Daivas dogs has died ? Hadn ' t Guru Visaraga assured me that both constituted an archetypal couple , the manifested synthesis of a pair of opposing principles , the existence of which should be necessarily simultaneous ? If that was true , shouldn ' t the two have died ? Or rather , why aren ' t they both alive ?
– Be patient , Son of Shiva --the monk advised compassionately-- and remember that these dogs are tulpas , mental creations of the Magicians of the Kâula Circle . Therefore they are not subject to natural laws but to the Will of the Gurus . I told you a few days ago that , although our Order knew the secret of the Daivas dogs , they had never been projected until now because there was no Initiate who was like you , capable of controlling them beyond Kula and Akula . Therefore , we lacked practical information on what it would happen when performed by a Shivatulku . That is to say , we did not know how they were going to behave at this stage of the Kaly Yuga : the last time the Daivas dogs walked the Earth was in Atlantis , thousands of years ago . Evidently , this Iron Age has somehow weakened their Power of Flight and one of them was affected by the Force of the Dordje . But if we did not know how long they were going to live , instead I can answer you why one of them has continued to live after the lung-svadi flight : it is due to particular laws that govern their reproduction .
You have reasoned well , but you did not contemplate the laws of reproduction . Being a perfect couple , archetypally balanced , the two dogs , indeed , should have died in unison . But the law of reproduction established by the Gurus requires that before the disintegration , the couple engender and give birth to another pair of Daivas dogs . The process would therefore be the following : the death of any one of them will mean the automatic metamorphosis of the other into an androgynous specimen ; it ' s as if one of the archetypal principles , which was manifested outside , was incorporated inside the survivor ; and whoever lives will carry within it the germ of a new pair of Daivas dogs , which will grow , mature , and eventually be born : then , after the birth , the old specimen will fatally disintegrate . Do you understand now why one of them lives ? I nodded , relieved to know that in no time I would recover the pair of Daivas dogs . – Well then --added Srivirya-- ; then do not forget that in this period , while the androgynous mastiff is in charge of gestating the new couple , you must refer to it with the name of " Vrune ", since it is the unit of Kula and Akula . I nodded again , since that was undoubtedly logical . Meanwhile Von Grossen exploded . – By God , Von Sübermann ! Always the damned dogs ! You worry for the death of a dog ? And our Comrades ? You have communicated to me your suspicion that they too have died : for them you should grieve ! And you don ´ t know where we are either . That ' s what I was trying to find out from the Tibetans when you interrupted me to talk about the damned mastiffs . I decided not to respond to Von Grossen ' s unfair accusations . – We know nothing about the place where the Shivatulku has brought us Srivirya mediated . It is up to him to respond , since only he knows the order he gave to the Daivas dogs .