THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 474

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Von Grossen ' s expression was disturbed when he verified that the theme of the mastiffs was inescapable . I did not have to reflect to expose a question that intrigued me since I regained consciousness on that beach .
– To Sining ! I ordered the mastiffs to go to Sining . It was the first place that came to my mind , probably because the two monks who led the Holites stated that from there they would help us get to Shanghai . I can ' t explain why the Daivas dogs did not drive us to Sining .
– Oh , how strange is the mind of the Shivatulku ! – Shrivirya exclaimed , who could not conceive that my actions were simply stupid , as in truth they were-- . If you wanted to go to Shanghai , why not command the dogs to drive you straight there , instead of asking for the Sining site , located 2,000 km before ? Incomprehensible are the Designs of the Gods ! Well now that the Daivas dogs are in the process of reproduction you will not be able to use them anymore for a lung-svipa flight : only the future puppies , some day , will take you through Time and Space . Of course now we will know where we are . What Sining have you translated in your order ?
– How what Sining ? I don ’ t understand what are you talking about – I declared , fearing to hear what would come .
– Of course , Son of Shiva --Srivirya explained candidly-- . The order requested to go to Sining-Fu or Sining-Ho , that is , to the city of Sining or to the Sining River ?
I swore . Why had I been so vague in defining the destination imposed on the air travel of the Daivas dogs ? The answer was obvious : because the order was formulated at a critical moment , in the midst of a tremendous physical disorder that prevented me from reasoning enough . In that terrible circumstance I forgot everything , I did not accurately describe the target because I assumed unconsciously that the dogs would understand , that they would exactly interpret my wishes . And the truth was very different : the dogs were tulpas , yidams , machines projected by the will of steel of the Magicians and requiring the correct control of its functions .
– I certainly did not specify if it was Sining-Fu or Sining-Ho --I confessed in disgust . The Kâulika monk meditated for a second and said smiling :
– Then it is very likely that we are by the Sining River . Upon receiving the order , the Daivas dogs found that there were two different targets with the same name . They chose , for reasons that would take a long time to detail , the oldest target corresponding to that name , apparently the river . And that indefiniteness would also explain the death of one of the mastiffs : the cause would be the dilemma to which the opposing principles were subjected , which acted as if it was tried to split the absolute unity of the dog Archetype with a logical wedge . I think the problem lies in the degrees of reality of the things at stake . On one side , the Daivas dogs weren ' t a perfect match , they couldn ' t be at this stage of the Kaly Yuga , and exhibited some small degree of imbalance . On the other hand , the Sining River turns out to be a little more real , within the Illusion of Mâyâ , than the city of Sining . Consequence : the Daivas dogs are faced with a dilemma and are forced to choose ; because of the supposed imbalance , one of the dogs tends towards Sining-Fu and the other tends towards Sining- Ho ; because magically the real destination is the one that corresponds to the truest name , only one of the mastiffs reaches Sining-Ho , where we are , while the other dog disintegrates to avoid the impossible alteration of the Archetype . And as the Daivas dogs cannot exist except in pairs , the present androgynous will equally disintegrate after reproduction .
– So the dogs have concurred to the Sining River , to which the current that passes in front of us would correspond ! – admitted Von Grossen , that finally began to orientate himself geographically . This being the case , Kameraden , I will expose a summary of the situation : Elements in favor of our Strategy : a ) three Germans and eight Tibetans , members of the First Key Operation , we are still alive ; b ) the city of Sining may be close to here and this likely represents our ultimate salvation , if we manage to spend the night in these conditions . Elements against our Strategy : a ) We experienced five casualties , three Germans and two Tibetans , in addition to the five Holite porters and all the equipment ; b ) if actually this site is to the East of Lake Koko Nor , this implies a distancemore than 1,000 km . far from the Valley of the Immortal Demons , which makes impossible for the moment to return to inspect or rescue the bodies and materials . Conclusion : It is almost certain that the troops in charge of the Operation Altwesten have suffered the same fate as the members of the Operation First Key , that is , they are dead or missing . This conclusion puts an end to the First Key Operation , and imposes on us the delicate obligation to convincingly explain to our superiors the events occurred at Ernst Schaeffer ' s camp .
Von Grossen looked at me significantly , as implying that the main person responsible for the explanations would be me . His last words were :
--Considering the diabolical attack we have suffered in that Valley ofHell , in light of the orders received from Germany and the structure of the Operation First Key , I have drawn certain conclusions that I will communicate to you in strictly confidential and personal form . I believe ,