THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 472

The Mistery of Belicena Villca in a violent retch ; and a growing anguish in the heart , which was already a declared tachycardia , gave me the impression that that organ wanted to jump and flee from my chest . Anyway , victim of a psychophysic attack , for which I knew no defense , I was fainting without remedy . Laughter of Demons , Music of Hell , Harmony of the Creator God of the Universe , in front of that disintegrating force of the Soul , what was left of the Hero , of the charismatic leader , of the Initiate who hours before led his legion willing to fight against enemies of Earth or Heaven ? Very little , neffe , very little . Just a spark of will .
Suddenly I was attacked by a strong tremor and it took me a long time to become aware that Bangi had grabbed me by the shoulders and was shaking me firmly . Between brumes , I recognized him before me screaming at the top of his throat ; the eight Lopas were also there : two were dragging Oskar Feil ; two others were holding Von Grossen ; one ran with the Daivas dogs , which were tied in an end of the camp ; and the rest were feverishly tracing circles and signs on the ground with their scimitars , while , at the same time , chanting mantras and adopting warrior mudras . The ball of light was already upon us and the buzzing of the bees reached its maximum intensity . Either because of Bangi ' s shaking , or because of the effect of the yantras of the Lopas , the truth is that I partly recovered my lucidity ; enough to understand the dramatic words of the Gurkha .
– Shivatulku ! Shivatulku ! --he called impatiently , without stopping to shake me , culminating in two impetuous slaps . With a head movement I made him understand that I was listening . – Oh Pawo 42 : get us out of here ! Soon or the Vîmâna of Shambhala will destroy us ! --H ... how ? How will I do it , if I can ' t stand up ? – I stammered discouraged . --The Daivas dogs . Oh Dubtob 43 ! Order the Daivas dogs to fly you to a destination out of here !
Do you understand me ? I nodded , even though I did not fully understand the Gurkha ' s request . – What should I do to make the Daivas dogs fly ? I questioned myself absurdly , but in a voice loud enough for Srivirya to reply . The Lopa was obviously attentive to my reactions .
– Name them as if they were identical to Kyungta , the Garuda bird that transports the Gods ; or like Lungta , the Pegasus horse that meets the same function ! Tell them Svadi-lung ; Kula and Akula Svadi-lung ; and they will fly !
Destination ? What destination ? The head looked like it was going to explode . Maybe it was the unconscious , perhaps the Scrotra Krâm , but the positive thing was that an Interior Voice told me :
– Sining , you must go to Sining – I thought about the Yantra , I imagined it as I could , and I translated : " Siningto , Kula and Akula Svadi-lung ". 44
One of the Lopas had put the reins of the mastiffs in my hands . They were enraged by the presence of the diabolical vîmâna and howled as if they were indeed the wolves of Wothan . When I imagined the Yantra they stiffened and threw their heads forward , ready to go in fulfillment of the order . And when I ordered “ Sining-To , Kula and Akula Svadi-lung ”, the incredible wonder happened that the Daivas dogs jumped into a kind of abyss that was incredibly created in front of them .
I felt drawn by the reins , hoisted in the air and carried on heading East , plunged into an impenetrable blackness that now occupied the place where seconds before were the Altyn Tagh Mountains . Being lifted in suspense , an abnormal weight on my legs put my body in tension for an instant . I turned , surprised , and noticed that a human chain hung fr om my limbs : the Tibetans had performed a series of tackles at the time of the jump , holding on to each other and also lifting Karl von Grossen and Oskar Feil . The gaze slid down and I stared stupidly at theglen illuminated by the Shambhala vehicle and the camp turned into a collective grave : Reinhart von Krupp , dead ; the sentinels , dead ; And in the entrances to the tents , the corpses of those who made it out but didn ' t get very far . The hum was deafening , terrifying , paralyzing ; The hum was the call of Death ! Heinz , Hans , Kloster ! I remembered my Comrades and I think I cried in impotence , before plunging into blackness and losing consciousness .
Chapter XXXIV
Seconds later I regained consciousness : no signs of the deafening sound or the devilish spark . The twilight still remained so I could verify , without any doubt , that we were in a place completely different from the glen where Schaeffer camped . Immediately everything that happened came to my
Pawo : Hero in Tibetan
43 Dubtob : Magician .
" We are flying to Sining , Kula and Akula ".