THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 471

The Mistery of Belicena Villca will prevent you from reaching the worst of Hell , the one that is behind that Door at the end of the glen , that is to say , your beloved Chang Shambhala , the hideout of the Immortal Demons .
– Blasphemy ! Blasphemy ! Kill them , Von Krupp ! Kill them now and save your Soul ! Kill them before it ' s too late and they unleash Lucifer on the World ! --he implored , having already completely lost the control of his words .
Von Grossen had him locked up in a tent , under the custody of Hans and Kloster . It was already getting dark and the Kâulika monks rushed to set up the tents , before the astonished gaze of Von Krupp ' s squad . He approached us and asked without much delicacy :
– Can someone explain to me what is happening ? It was assumed that I had to lead and protect a scientific expedition that had as its objective to investigate the eastern ancestors of the Aryan Race . Nothing to do with what I am hearing : " Demons ", " Hell ", " betrayal of the Third Reich ". What does all this madness mean ? How can the Third Reich be betrayed in this remote place ? And the most incredible thing , where did you find Oskar Feil ? how did you follow us ? What is that of the wolves of Wothan ?
For half an hour , Karl von Grossen clarified as best he could all Von Krupp`s doubts . In the end , he posed a question for which Von Grossen had no answer . – And what will we do now ? – My orders – revealed Von Grossen – specify that when making contact with the expedition we must act according to the instructions of the Sturmbannführer Kurt von Sübermann . And since you must obey me , I will save myself from relaying such instructions to you if we both know them at the same time --he concluded with overwhelming logic-- . Well , Von Sübermann , what do you have to tell us ?
– That we have to return to Germany immediately ! --I said without hesitation-- . Tomorrow we must start the return . We will lead arrested Ernst Schaeffer and his four accomplices , but if they resist , we will execute them under my responsibility .
Karl von Grossen approved without reservation that decision but the most relieved was Von Krupp .
– That ' s all ? Go back to Germany ? It ' s the best news I hear in more than a year . I was afraid that you would request to continue the exploration of Tibet . I fully adhere to that proposal ! The truth is that I was already fed up with Ernst Schaeffer and his mysteries .
Poor Von Krupp ! Neither Von Grossen , nor I , imagined then that he would never go back to Germany ...
Chapter XXXIII
I could not assure you , neffe , if the first thing we perceived was the sound or the light , or the sweet , pungent , unmistakable smell of sandalwood smoke , or if we catch the two tattvas at the same time .
Von Krupp ' s men were already sheltered in the tents , except for the two sentinels . The Gurkha and the Lopas finished setting up our tents helped by Heinz . And the two Standartenführer and I were still talking . The sun had long since set and the dying twilight gave way quickly to the icy night of the Tibetan peaks . However , in an instant , the glen began to light up from the West exit , as if were witnessing the dawn of a new and blinding Sun .
Perplexed , stunned , hypnotized , the three of us stared at the ball of light , which crossed the gorge and advanced through the center of the canyon , more than a hundred meters high . Although the halo stretched tens of meters around the bright nucleus , it was possible to distinguish that the center consisted of four incandescent spheres , eccentrically intersecting each other . But such observation was a matter of a second , because the sound that accompanied the resplendent apparition immediately prevented us from all other perception .
At least for me , who spent my childhood on a farm in Cairo where honey bees were raised , the vibration was clearly familiar : it was the classic hum of a swarm in motion . It had started as a faint murmur , just as the light was at first a soft glow , but soon turned unbearable . I think the three of us covered our ears with our hands , to desperately verify that nothing could stop the sound penetration . With my head between my hands , and my brain pierced by the killer wave , I fell on my knees completely knocked out .
I felt like I was going to lose consciousness and , in a supreme effort of will , I looked around me . I saw Von Grossen , still standing , convulsing and screaming , while a few centimeters from me lay the inert body of Reinhart von Krupp . I automatically put my hand on his neck , searching for a pulse , but I understood that he had ceased to exist . My mind was clouded ; an intense dizziness gave me the feeling that everything revolved around me ; nausea , starting in my stomach , made me shudder