THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 470

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
But he had already removed his Luger and was pointing at me , with the obvious intention of eliminating me from the world of the living .
He did not manage to shoot . In a fast movement , two of the SS of his expedition jumped on him and took him hostage : one seized his pistol and held him , while the other put a dagger on his throat . They were the two spies of the S . D .!
– The first who moves , we slaughter this man ! – threatened one of them-- . Come closer , my Standartenführer , and disarm those four ! – he added , pointing to Schaeffer ' s henchmen .
Von Grossen did not wait and shouted various orders . To the general surprise , Hans and Kloster emerged from the rocks and quickly stripped the four of their weapons , who did not put up any resistance . Six figures , dressed in saffron robes and with faces and hands covered in ash , tried to run away towards the West exit of the glen , but they fell after a few steps riddled with arrows : they were the Skushok of the Ashram Jafran and his Lamas . That filled up the measure . Von Krupp bellowed in turn an order and all his men went down on the ground ; and little was missing to reach the confrontation again .
Von Krupp ' s squad doubled us in number . However common sense prevailed and the Standartenführer interrogated Von Grossen irately :
– What is this , Von Grossen ? You present yourself here , treat us as if we were enemies , and kill the Tibetan guides , who counted on our protection . I imagine you have a good justification for this abuse !
– We have nothing against you but against that gang of traitors – yelled Von Grossen . And if that seems enough justification , here are our orders , approved by the Führer .
He handed him a sealed envelope that read " Altwestenoperation ". Reinhart von Krupp tore it open and extracted the document . It was a short text decree . He nodded and commented to Schaeffer :
– They have come from Germany to take charge of the expedition ! From this moment security and logistics are in charge of the Standartenführer Karl von Grossen .
Schaeffer ' s face was whiter than the Altyn Tagh snow . Von Krupp said loud enough for everyone to hear :
– For my part it ' s fine . I accept the orders and put myself under your command . But you will have to explain to me what your accusation of treason means . And how come Oskar Feil is with you .
The SS loosened the pressure on the knife . Von Krupp ' s men stood up and lowered hte rifles , as Heinz and the eight Kaulika monks approached , the latter with the arrows still mounted on their bows .
– Treason ! --cried the traitor , deranged-- . Treason ! Damned assassins , you don ' t know the damage you have caused to Germany and to Humanity ! Ahahahah ...! Von Sübermann , son of the Demon , I knew that you intended to prevent our mission ! You have come to destroy us : we should have killed you in Germany ! For your fault I will be punished : the Masters will never forgive me for your doomed presence in this Sacred Valley ! When Arhat Djual Khul left I must have imagined that something terrible was happening ! It was you !! You and your execrable stain that offends the Holy Beings !
Damned , a thousand times damned Von Sübermann , spawn of Hell , how did you find me ?! --he roared completely enraged . The two SS spies held his arms to prevent him from throwing himself on me .
– Despicable Herr Lehrer , the last thing I would have wanted in my life was seeing you again --I said sincerely-- . The merit of getting here is exclusive work of these noble dogs .
Immediately afterwards I let loose a bit of rein on the Daivas dogs , that still obeyed the order " find Ernst Schaeffer ", and the mastiffs jumped and launched two ferocious gestures of attack showing teeth a few inches from his neck . With eyes wild with terror , face decomposed with anger , Schaeffer was the image of madness . – Now you see : only an infernal being could come accompanied by the wolves of Wothan ! Don ' t accept that decree Von Krupp , and kill them all . You ' re still in time to avoid a terrible evil to Germany and the World . I assure you that nothing will happen to you if you listen to me . Rather I guarantee you that you will be decorated as a hero .
– You are crazy , Schaeffer : in Germany no one is superior to the Führer ! If I don ' t carry out these orders the only decoration I will receive will be a sliding rope of hemp --Von Krupp excused himself .
– No Comrade Von Krupp --I clarified-- . It is not the words of a madman but those of a traitor . He does believe that there are men more powerful than the Führer : they are the ones who plan the disappearance of the Third Reich and have entrusted him a secret mission that will help consummate the betrayal . And as for you , Herr Lehrer , it is true that Kula and Akula are not the wolves of Wothan , although it is true that I come from Hell and now I am in a bigger Hell ; but these dogs , like Cerberus ,