THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 467

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
But Kuan Yin knows that Ganesha ' s evil is too great to be forgiven . No ; for Kurt von Sübermann there is no possibility of treatment , since his Presence is humiliating for the dignity of the Bodhisattvas , his Presence that unashamedly exposes the Naked Truth of the Origin ! No one who is on the side of The One , of Brahma , The Creator , will accept such affront ! And it will be once again the Merciful , who speaks in the Heart of the Son Shiva and announces the decision of the Gods . Thus speaks Mother Goddess Kuan Yin to the Heart of the Son of Shiva Kurt von Sübermann !: Like a wolf , you will kill my sheep . Like Child of Stone , T ' ao-t ' ie , then you will turn them into wolves like you . For you there will be no compassion ! Serene my loving Heart , dry my many eyes are ! Monster of the Forbidden Truth that transmutes the human Peace : the decision is made ! Where you have come from you will go ! Off the Path of Man you will go ! Big bad wolf , you will not stalk my sheep ! Naked Truth of the Origin to the sleeping men your Sign you will not reveal ! Because you are eternal , although you don ' t know , ulfhednar , you will not die ; but if the Path of Man you intend to travel , to the World of Man you will never return ! To my Sanctuary on Earth you will not enter ! I am the Mother of Humanity ! I am the attentive Shepherdess and I take care of my herd with unequaled zeal ! Who comes here seeks Immortality ! It is the one who has passed all the tests and is a lamb in my corral ; it is the one who has offered a tender heart to Avalokiteshvara ; it is the one who loves and suffers , the one who follows his Dharma , the one who is a perfect animal man ; the one who comes to my sanctuary and the Father is going to adore ! To him I grant the inmortality ! I guide him towards the Fraternity ! But you , who are wolf with lamb costume What are you looking for ? Bearer of Cold and Black Death , in your Heart of Ice , the Hidden Enemy goes . The Gods cannot punish you , but they don ' t want to see you anymore . There are no places for wolves in this property ! By my sûtrâtmâ of Mercy the lycanthrope will not transit !