THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 466

The Mistery of Belicena Villca moment , the Goddess dances the Dance of Life and her countless eyes look into your Hearts seeking the warmth of Love ! Kuan Yin wants to feel Your Hearts beat with Love for things created ! She wants to feel you shudder with compassion for the pain that devastates the life of man , the pain caused by those who stray from the harmony of the Universe , from the Law of The One ! And what do the eyes of Avalokiteshvara gather in Your Hearts ? Only Cold and Hate , instead of the Heat and Love for Life . And then the eyes of the Mother withdraw wrapped in tears , promising herself to help you return to the animal condition , to the warm Heart of those who love tepid Life . She is the Mother of animal men , of the pasu : Her Mercy will reach you and heat your Heart with her Love , removing Cold and Hate , the hard ice ! And she will do it even if she has to spin around the Kâlachakra and turn you into primitive apes !
But here , with you , is Ganesha , the Son of Shiva , whom you call Kurt . What has the Mother Goddess of the West seen in the Heart of the Son of Shiva ? Also Cold and Hate , but forming the nest for the Cold Death mask , the refuge of Kâly , The Black . Yes , in the Son of Shiva is the greatest abomination , because he has hosted Death in his Heart , the Mask of Death that hides the Naked Truth of the Infinite Blackness of Himself . In the heart of Ganesha , over the dead body of the pasu , son of Mother Kuan Yin , Kâly The Black performs the Dance of the Cold Death ; and in the corpse of the pasu , which is carrion , is still living the phallus of Shiva , the diamond lingam of vajra : in front of the symbol of absolute virility , Kâly reveals herself and lets Pârvatî Frya manifest , the Truth behind the Black Death ; Pârvatî Frya then performs the yonimudrâ on the lingam of Shiva , and Bhairava resurrects in the Heart of the Son of Shiva ; it has abnormally been born a Child of Vajra in the Heart of Ganesha ! a child engendered by the Spirit of Shiva with the Truth behind the Mask of Death ! a child gestated in the womb of the Infinite Blackness of Himself ! a child born in the broken vulva of the Dead Heart of the pasu ! a Child of Vajra , a Child of Diamond , a Child of Stone , a Child of Lightning , a Child of Cold Fire , a God Child ! a Child who is the Uncreated Vrune and who is beyond Kula and Akula , beyond Time and Space , beyond Life and Death , beyond Good and Evil , definitely beyond the pasu killed by Kâly in the Heart of the Son of Shiva !
A very great evil have seen the millions of eyes of Avalokiteshvara in the Heart of the Son of Shiva . An evil for which Her Tears of Mercy are not enough , neither her Compassion , nor her Love . An evil for which there is no redemption possible , neither in this nor in another lifetime of the Sripai Khorlo Wheel of Life .
It is the evil of the one who stays away from the care of Father and Mother , that rejects the Father and the Mother , that discovers that he has neither Father nor Mother , that finds the Naked Truth of Himself and strives to Be what He Is and not what he must be according to the Law . Oh , what ingratitude of the one who thus cools the Heart for the Mother and harbors hatred against the Father ! The Naked Truth has installed in the Heart of man , on a bed of ice , and it has become a vîrya , a God who competes with the One God . But She has cooled the Heart because she is the Enemy of Love and Mother Kuan Yin cannot allow it . The Enemy of Love has caused a lot of damage : with the Mask of Kâly she has murdered the pasu , her first-born son ; and with the Power of the Naked Truth , she has procreated an abominable being that was born on the corpse of the pasu , a Child of Diamond Stone , a child who is not and will never be human . Big is the damage caused by the Enemy , Terrible the evil that nests inside the Heart of the Son of Shiva .
It is the duty of Mother Kuan Yin , who sees everything and Her Mercy reaches to all , to protect her children animal men . Because her children , of warm Heart and cold mind , are like sheep in the herd : they depend on the Shepherd and his crook . And because the Stone Children , of Frozen Heart and warm mind , are like hungry wolves : they stalk the herd to slaughter the lambs , and only flee in front of the Shepherd ' s crook .
– What has the Mother Goddess of the West seen in the Heart of the Son of Shiva ? A wolf , a slayer of lambs , a Stone Child Son of Himself and Husbandof the Naked Truth , an abominable Táot ' ie Existence outside of Creation . But , above all evils , Kuan Yin has seen that who can manifest the Naked Truth to the World , discover the Forbidden and Intoxicating Beauty of the Enemy of men and spread the evil of Wisdom like an epidemic . To the eyes of Mother Kuan Yin , the Son of Shiva is the Demon of the Destruction of Man . The Naked Truth that Ganesha can display to men asleep will cause in them a new and atrocious fall into the nothingness of the Uncreated . On the ruins of the Humanity of Love , Ganesha transformed into Shiva , will dance the dissolution of the Created , the decomposition of Mâyâ , the Final Death of Illusion . And in the Pralaya of Love and Mercy of Kuan Yin , on the Death of Humanity , in the Götterdämmerung of the Fraternity , the resurrected Heroes , the semi-divine vîryas , the God-Men , will exalt the Naked Truth of Himself , the Enemy of Love , the Wife of the Origin . Oh , how the millions of eyes of Avalokiteshvara cry as they understand the evil that dwells in the Heart of the Son of Shiva !