THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 465

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
– Von Grossen , Von Sübermann , look at this ! --shouted Heinz Schmidt , who was amused examining the stones of the minas .
He had a stone in his hand and he gave it to me . I observed it was written in blood on two of its faces : one was illegible , for its signs were unknown to me , but the second inscription shook my heart : it said , in correct German : Ernst Schaeffer .
Without saying a word I passed it to Von Grossen and called Srivirya and Bangi . --Can you tell me what language is this ? --I inquired .
– It is Zenzar , the sacred language of the Bodhisattvas of Chang Shambhala . The Arhat Djual Khul , who guides the Germans , must have revealed to them certain Kâla-chakra formulas for writing on the stones --explained Srivirya .
And that was all that happened there . Moments later the Daivas dogs climbed two by two the steps of a staircase carved in the stone , which led to the top of the ravine .
Once the ascent was finished , it was accessed a large terrace , in whose limits began the slope of a mountain belonging to the eastern end of the Altyn Tagh range . The place looked equally desolate , but with obvious signs of human activity . We were all surprised , indeed , by the presence of an imposing Chortens , a Tibetan sacred monument with a square base and bell-shaped strangled body , usually topped with a truncated cone , at the top of which sits the image of a Deity . Placed on the upper cone of the Chortens , stood out the horrible statue of a Goddess countlessly multiplied in itself and unfolded in hundreds of similar profiles : innumerable faces , legs and arms , turned her into a whirlwind of Presences , that is , they undoubtedly signified her Omnipresence . The Goddess expressed a single Aspect repeated tirelessly : such an aspect , isolated , showed her smiling compassionately at us as she danced on a bleeding Heart ; she wore her hair loose and headdress with queen ' s crown , one eye in the middle of her forehead , and eyes on the palms of her hands and the soles of her feet . She had been delicately painted , and the predominant colors were white and blue : white body , blue garments .
The Chortens measured at least 15m tall , and the statue of the Goddess was large enough to allow us to appreciate all its details . The Germans we watched her in silence , expressing with eloquent gestures the displeasure it caused us : teuflisch !
The Tibetans also watched her in silence . However , in an unusual act the Gurkha addressed the group of SS officers :
– Are you impressed by the image of Kuan Yin , the Queen Mother of the West ? We are equally impressed , but we are much more affected by contemplating the Goddess herself interested in the visitors of her millenary Sanctuary . If you wish , I can translate to you with clear words what this humble Kâulika monk sees and feels when perceiving the Chortens of the Goddess of Mercy in the Valley of the Immortals .
We all agreed , without even imagining up to what details of the hidden plot could reach the keen vision of the Kâulika monk .
– Yesterday I told two of you that if you could see the subtle world you would verify that we were heading towards the Sanctuary of Hsi Wang Mu --Bangi recalled-- . Today we have advanced a stretch and we are getting closer to Her , the Mother of the animal part of man . But you still don ' t see her , even though her presence is everywhere . Does her image impress you ? For what would become of you if you managed to lift the veil of Mâyâ and contemplated Kuan Yin in all her Intelligence and Majesty , in her total Merciful Omnipresence ? I ' ll tell you : you couldn ' t resist the Gaze of the Goddess of Animal Love , the Compassionate of the Heart !
– And you couldn ' t do it because hers is a glance of many eyes , of hundreds of eyes , millions of eyes , that observe the heart of man , or jiva , waiting for him to approach and identify with his atman , the Divine Archetype created by Brahma in the likeness of Himself . And for that the Shakti Kâkinî makes her voice heard in the sound anâhata shabda , and says “ om mani padme hum ”, “ Oh you , jewel that is in the lotus ”, “ Oh Mother that is in the chakra ”, “ Oh Devi , that is in the Anâhata chakra ”. And if the jiva hears this mantram , and recites it as anâhata japa , he becomes jîvâtman ; and he also receives the kâlagiya , the sign to enter Chang Shambhala and become part of the White Fraternity .
In each point of real Space there is a small archetypal globe or atom , which accurately symbolizes the unity of Brahma , The Creator . And in the center of each of such atoms , there is an eye with which The One contemplates Himself from all created things . Each eye of Father One is called Yod , but each pupil belongs to Mother Kuan Yin . When the blood of man is stigmatized by the Lords of Karma , and pain penetrates the eyes of The One like a pleasant symphony , Mother Kuan Yin ' s pupils soften the suffering chords with the Mercy of her Heart . That ' s why she is Avalokiteshvara , a Bodhisattva of Compassion . Yes , western Kameraden : this image that impresses you is just an opaque reflection of Kuan Yin behind the Veil of Mâyâ . Right here , at this