THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 464

The Mistery of Belicena Villca officers . Not after having entered that Valley of the Immortals , after having seen that paradisiacal region amid the eternal snows , that oasis on the heights of Kuen Lun . No such site could exist without surveillance . And the guardians would not be willing to let us advance or retreat . Guardians who , we sensed , would be terribly more dangerous than the Duskhas .
We had barely entered the Threshold of the Valley when we stopped and we camped . If we were watched , the guardians of the Threshold would not take long to act ; hence our preventions , the certainty that something threatened us and we would have to face it . We were looking for Schaeffer , that was the main objective , but then the reality was that we were in a Valley of Hell .
– Nothing tells us that Schaeffer has taken this course , much less that he has passed through here , but I think that now it ' s the same to advance or retreat --Von Grossen conceded-- . The truth is that this Valley does not exist in our World : anyway , it doesn ' t matter to go one way or the other !
The Holite porters refused to continue . But they did not know how to return , so it was necessary to separate again . They stayed with the same two Lopas , elderly monks but equally dangerous , the yaks , zhos , and all of the horses . Although the snow was nowhere to be found , and the weather was spring-like , the tops of the Kuen Lun mountains looked too close to suppose that the horses would be of use for much time .
So , we departed the five Germans , the seven Lopas , and the Gurkha , Comrades of the Eternal Spirit , thirteen heroes in their absolute instance . I mentally gave the order to the Daivas dogs and they went in the same direction that they were following the day before .
– It cannot be denied that you are persistent --Von Grossen growled when checking the course taken .
But I didn ' t have time to attend to him or anyone else . Kâla , the Devouring Time , it was now Death Mrtyu in front of us , a definitive instant in which we would die or triumph , without middle terms . And in that instant of heroes , it required a Hero among heroes , a leader who transmitted the charismatic order to fight for the ideal , “ for our Banners ”, “ even if we have to die ”. If the ideal was finally achieved , dying or living meant an honor or a triumph , whatever the case . No one should worry about dying or living but the achievement of the ideal , the universal imposition of our Banners , the victory of our own Strategy . That was the charismatic order to my Comrades . To the Daivas dogs I commanded " follow Ernst Schaeffer " in the language of the Yantra svadi . And the dogs Kula and Akula followed the traitor ' s trail in a region that was neither on Earth nor in Heaven . And I followed the Daivas dogs , beyond Kula and Akula . And my twelve Comrades went after me , no longer caring about whatever surrounded them , without contemplating the possibility of dying or living , only thinking about the ideal , in the realization of the ideal , in the Final Victory of our Banners .
Since we left the bivouac , the excitement of the mastiffs increased , as if its prey was getting closer and closer . With much confidence they guided us by several descending paths , until they found the course of a torrential stream whose current came from the Kuen Lun Mountains . For an hour , more or less , we marched parallel to its right bank , the Kâulika monks , on several occasions , having to chop with scimitars to break through the dense bushy hawthorns .
After all , we arrived at a magnificent 50 m waterfall , and there we got the first proof that we were not misguided . In front of us was erected the wall of a stone ravine 50 to 60 m tall , through which the water of the stream spilled , and at the base of which there were unmistakable signs of man ' s presence . In a small clearing there was a minas , one of those stone tumulus similar to the South American apachetas , which are formed in the " holy places " of Tibet by the addition that all the pilgrim Lamas make of a stone painted with signs corresponding to bijas of the Kâlachakra . In a niche excavated in the stone wall , was the motif of the mine : the sculpture of the Living Buddha Maggogpa , the Master King of Shambhala , Rigden Jyepo . They had represented him sitting in the lotus position , meditating , and in his hands , a tiny statuette of the Shakti Kâkinî held a bleeding Heart , in the center of which was the sign of the Star of David , indicator of the Anâhata chakra . The set corresponded to the Symbol of the Doctrine of the Heart , the Yoga of Love to be practiced by all adepts who aspire to know the Kâlachakra . His presence there was downright threatening and intimidating : only those who were Initiated adepts in the Doctrine of the Heart could continue their journey to the Gate of Shambhala . The acceptance of such condition was demonstrated by adding a stone with the name written in blood , to the tumulus of the minas .
We only stopped for fifteen minutes in that place , since the mastiffs vigorously insisted on continuing the search and demanded a superhuman effort to contain them . During that time , my Comrades explored the site and discovered that several trails came and went : the Daivas dogs , perhaps to shorten the path , led us through areas that were completely untrod . But it was seen that that " Door of Shambhala " had been visited frequently given the volume of the minas , or at least for many years .