THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 463

The Mistery of Belicena Villca clear to all : " I die so that you will triumph ", that is , " I die like this so that we all triumph ”, “ I die like this so that the ideal triumphs ”, “ triumph !”; he doesn ' t tell them " I give you life as a gift ".
And how does he tell them ?: charismatically . Everyone listens to him with the Blood ; that is why they do not feel that they owe their lives to the hero but that they must triumph , defeat the Enemy , fulfill his command . So is there order ? Yes , but not the artificial order of the military organization but the formality of the Mystic : in the moment of bravery , the hero is the charismatic leader of his Comrades and his last thought is an order that everyone will abide by . An order given out of the military hierarchy , disengaged from the chain of command , but endowed with greater force than any outer disposition because it has been emitted within each one simultaneously with the explosion of the Death . In the Mystic form of the ideal , the Comrades have received , in a single instant , the order of the charismatic leader , which he is because in that absolute instance he surpasses them all with the heroic value of his act .
Returning to the previous comparison , now you can better appreciate the difference between friendship and camaraderie : friends can give us a lot , even everything they have ; maybe they even give their lives for us ; but only Comrades will give us something greater than their lives , even greater than our own lives , that is , the ideal . Just a hero , or a Comrade , will believe in us as heroes or Comrades and order us to follow the ideal , he will point us the ideal , will reveal us the ideal , will bring us closer to the ideal .
To be a friend is to be linked to someone else ' s heart . To be a Comrade is to be committed to an ideal ; it means assuming , at the right moment , the absolute instance of the hero ; if necessary , charismatically lead the Comrades , order the march towards the ideal , die for the ideal . " Germany , one day you will rise radiant / even if We have to die / ... / Yes , our Banners are superior to Death !"
But heroes don ' t always have to die . Hero is also the one who leads his Comrades in the absolute instant and leads them directly to victory . And all follow him , persuaded , raptured , won , because they know charismatically , with the Blood , that he has seen the ideal and intends to realize it . Thus a universal principle of the Hyperborean Wisdom is fulfilled ; " one leads the Comrades and the ideal is realized ”.
In our squad , military order prevailed . There was a command echelon that started in Von Grossen , continued with me , followed with Hans and Kloster , and culminated in Heinz ; the Kâulika warriors also had their hierarchy , and their bosses received directives from us .
However , above the military organization , we were all united by the common ideal of the Spirit , of National Socialism , of the Führer . In a given instant , we were all Comrades , and then the absolute instance of the hero could take place . During the journey , and the attack on the Duskhas , the squad functioned as a military corps and hierarchies and ranks were respected . However , when the objective sought became incorporeal , and Death and madness began to haunt us , and it was finally evident that neither Von Grossen nor anyone except me could get them out of that sinister " Valley of the Immortal Demons ", the hierarchical order decomposed and the charismatic coincidence took place : Me and the Comrades . Everyone believed in me , expected from me , trusted in me .
The circumstance , it is clear , required a hero and a leader . I was aware of it and I was not willing to pass up the opportunity . That ' s why I wanted to rest before resuming the search for Ernst Schaeffer : then there would be no more time . Because , in that absolute instant , followed without hesitation by my Comrades , and following in my turn the Path of Kula and Akula , we would throw ourselves to the throat of the Enemy . We would die or triumph , but whatever the case , our death or triumph would mean for the Comrades of Germany the order to attain the ideal , the victory of the Führer . -- " We will die so that they triumph " --I thought , trembling with heroic resolve . The ideal ? As Baldur von Schirach would say , the ideal consisted in " our Banners ".
Chapter XXXI From there everything happened very quickly , and in the same way I will narrate it to you , neffe
Arturo .
Early in the morning we were ready to restart the persecution . All of the warriors took up arms , as if we were , at any moment , to fight a battle : the Tibetans checked the arrows and the edge of their knives , and waited for the voice to march with one hand resting on the pommel of the scimitars ; the Germans provided themselves with chargers and stick grenades , and replaced the Mauser rifles by the Schmeisser submachine guns . Although Konrad Tarstein ' s orders , identical to those received by Von Grossen from the S . D ., demanded that I peacefully join Ernst Schaeffer ' s expedition , I doubted that this was possible now . And they didn ' t consider it possible either Von Grossen and the other SS