THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 468

Image of Avalokiteshvara carved in granite . Sokkuram Temple , Korea . 8th century
The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Here I am Kuan Yin , Chenrezigs , the Goddess of the Bottom of the Sea ! I keep the Path of Deva Yâna for the Immortals of the Fraternity ! Your sin of Frya Stone has offended , my eyes of kindness , and I have cut your way towards the Fraternity . For your abominable evil today I have closed the Gate of Chang Shambhala ! I am Palden Dordji Lhamo !
We were all amazed and surprised by the monk ' s words . He called that " translating his impressions of the Chortens ", when it seemed that Goddess Kuan Yin herself had spoken to us ! Bangi undoubtedly possessed a superior faculty that allowed him to see and hear the Bodhisattvas . But the most upset by that vision was Me , because I discovered in it aspects that touched me closely , meanings that were of interest for the First Key Operation , concepts that made sense within the framework of the own Strategy . The Gurkha , in effect , had transmitted a message to me , although it was unclear whether he was doing so consciously or unconsciously .
In short , what the Gurkha said , and that no one could understand then except for Me , was that my presence in the Valley of the Immortals forced the Demons to close the Gate of Chang Shambhala , just as Konrad Tarstein expected to happen . That is to say , if Ernst Schaeffer had not yet succeeded , his Operation Altwesten would be permanently suspended , because the Goddess Kuan Yin " said in my heart ": " the decision is made ", " today I have closed the Gate of Chang Shambhala ”.

Image of Avalokiteshvara carved in granite . Sokkuram Temple , Korea . 8th century

Chapter XXXII
It was full noon when we left the Chortens . The Daivas dogs demanded to climb the Western slope of one of the Altyn Tagh , but soon we discovered a hidden path that allowed us to ascend about a thousand meters . Four fatiguing hours later we arrived at the top of the mountain , noting that to the North , the mountain fell thousands of meters into a vertical wall : from the base , a wide desert plain stretched out in all directions except towards the N . W ., where the blue waters of a huge lake could be seen .
– Teufel ! --exclaimed the efficient Von Grossen-- . We are fortunate to contemplate the country from a privileged terrace of 4,000 m . What we see , in all its extension , is the Chinese province of Xinjiang ; that plain , is no other than the Takla Makan desert , which is connected to the Mongol desert