THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 457

The Mistery of Belicena Villca the five Tibetans ahead of us only wore the uniform of high mountain English porter : jacket and green pants and walking boots .
I stared blankly as the snow on their clothes melted and the water dripped and ran down the floor mat towards the rubbish removal opening , while Von Grossen interrogated the Tibetans in Bodskad of Jam . Naturally , inside he was invoking the Gods , making a plea for the miracle to be fulfilled with the Kâulikas knowing the answers that obsessed the Standartenführer .
Suddenly , and I can assure you that for the first time in the weeks that we were together , I saw all the Lopas smile in unison . Yes , there was no doubt : they looked at us and smiled ! And after exchanging suggestive gestures of complicity , they looked at us again and laughed still louder . They finally filled the tent with a chorus of uncontrollable laughter .
The SS chief ' s stern face showed astonishment and mine must have manifested something similar . However , we both waited patiently for the Lopas to dominate the fun caused by Von Grossen ' s question , trying with hope to glimpse a positive answer in the amazing reaction . – What do you think about this ? --I said in German . – I guess it ' s about you --he answered enigmatically-- . I suppose that they think you know the way to follow Schaeffer .
So it was . At the conclusion of the general hilarity , Von Grossen repeated the question : was there any way to find the western expedition , now that they had crossed the Portal of Shambhala ? They looked at each other again , tempted to laugh , but at last one of the Kâulika monks spoke :
– We are not making fun of you , although your question seems to be what you usually call a joke . Well , nothing other than a joke seems to us to find out how you can follow something or someone in the Universe , when he who asks , is accompanied by the master of the Daivas dogs . You answer , seriously , who could hide , and where would there be such a hiding place , once the Daivas dogs obey the order of the Son of Shiva and run after him ? Von Grossen did not know what to say and looked me in the eye with a hostile expression . – I swear I didn ' t know ! --I apologized , scandalized in front of the possibility that he suspected that
I did not want to follow Ernst Schaeffer .
– Tell me what to do and I will comply ! --I shouted indignantly at the monks-- . Your Guru has given me no more information than an incomprehensible Yantra and only 60 days ago I had no idea that the Daivas dogs existed . Explain to me how should I proceed to get those beasts to locate the German expedition .
The Lopas looked at each other again , but their faces showed now the usual indifference . The one who had spoken , whom they called Srivirya , spoke :
– No doubt you are joking too , Oh Svami . Well , you should know better than nobody , you who are beyond Kula and Akula , how to direct the Daivas dogs . And if you do not know , or have forgotten , it will not cost you much to know or remember it using the Scrotra Krâm , the transcendent Ear of the Tulkus , of which you are gifted . Our Guru has revealed to you the Kilkor svadi , by which it is possible to form any word or name of Created things ; and you know the name of your enemy . Oh Sahakaladai , Magic is Power : and words and names are the utensils of Magic . Repeat the name to which you want to direct the Daivas dogs with the magical language of the Kilkor svadi and they will obey you .
Either because he really believed it was a joke or some kind of trial , or because he did not want to continue talking about it , there was no way to get more information from the laconic Srivirya . His last words were :
– Oh , Mahesvara , he who never argues , we fail to understand the reason you have to confuse us with questions that only you can know the answers . The Kâula Circle knows the Magic that allows the Daivas dogs , but no one who is not a Grand Guru or a Tulku gets to dominate them with the mind , the only way by which they receive orders : they only listen to the Inner Voice of the Gurus and the Gods , those who are beyond Kula and Akula , those who are like Shiva ; or have his Sign , like you . I was born in a Monastery of the Kâula Circle , and my father and my grandfather were Kâulika Initiates ; and neither I , nor my father , nor my grandfather , have ever seen a Guru capable of speaking with the Daivas dogs , until the Gods sent you with us . If you want to confirm it , having met you makes us proud . But don ' t embarrass us anymore with questions that are proper to the Gods . We know of our weakness and confusion in the Hell of Maya and we do everything possible to remedy this . Believe us , Oh Kshatriya : one day we will emerge from the human misery in which the Spirit has sunk and we will be like you ! We will then have open the Scrotra Krâm , like you , and we will be able to know everything ; and the Gods will reveal us the secrets of Tantra ; and the svadi Daivas will obey us as they obey you !
We returned to the tent deeply impressed , although by different reasons . Von Grossen was surprised that the fearsome Kâulikas would sweeten in my presence treating me almost like a God .