THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 456

The Mistery of Belicena Villca expedition and negotiated with the White Fraternity the price of their support . And such a price would undoubtedly be very high : just for crossing the Portal a sacrifice was required , the execution of a symbol of the New Germany , the death of a SS , the holocaust of an exponent of the Blood Aristocracy of the Third Reich . Then in Shambhala , Schaeffer would know the rest of the conditions : the Occult Hierarchy would support the conspirators with their magical powers and with their , most effective , synarchic organizations , in exchange for destroying the spiritual foundations of the Third Reich . Not only the Führer and his staff would have to die , and the National Socialist party be dissolved , but rather the tumor core should be extirpated ; that is , it would be necessary to disintegrate the SS and demolish the SS Black Order , mercilessly exterminating its Initiates . Yes , the scalpel of the Fraternity would affect this time the bottom of the wound , scraping if necessary the bone of the German social structure : only in this way , after major surgery , could the Civilization of Love be built over the ashes of the Nazi Civilization of Hate .
– But , so far , it would only be a part of the price : with the compliance with these guidelines , the traitors would do no more than demonstrate their good will to collaborate with the Plan of the White Fraternity --I clarified to Oskar –. Full support would come later , if the triumphant conspirators showed their willingness to go to the end and faced a profound transformation of the German society that would erase all traces of the Nazi Culture and the Hyperborean Wisdom : a German society peacefully integrated into the Universal Synarchy of the second half of the XX Century would require , for it to be open and trustworthy to the White Fraternity , a democratic and liberal form of government , and an Official Culture in which they had free expression Zionism , Judeo-Masonry , and Judeo- Marxism , or the ideologies born from those synarchic trunks . So then , if the reigning traitors carried out these conditions of the pact , Germany would be placed in the side of God , of Good , of Love , and of Justice ; and the Germans would be pushed aside for ever from their evil ancestral Deities .
So it is , Oskar --I concluded-- . Ernst Schaeffer is one of a numerous set of traitors . His role in the conspiracy is to sign , on behalf of the “ Healthy Forces of Germany ”, a synarchic Cultural Pact with the representatives of the White Fraternity . I can ' t reveal to you what our mission is , how we are going to frustrate their plans , but I assure you that already in Germany your luck was decided . You would never go through the Portal of Shambhala !
Oskar felt ridiculous when he learned that Ernst Schaeffer had condemned him from the beginning to die in Tibet , who perhaps for that purpose alone allowed him to participate in Operation Altwesten , and that the espionage that he carried out for me had in turn been supervised by two professional spies of the S . D ., also participants of the expedition . And to top it all off he had to find out that he had unintentionally caused Gangi ' s death .
– I ' ve been a fool --he said ashamed-- . And to think that I dared to advise you on the way you should act and I suggested you consult Rudolph Hess . Everyone has made fun of me !
– Don ' t torture yourself , Oskar , for I was ignorant of these facts at that time . And until the last moment I was unaware of the existence of other spies among you . Now we only have to think about preventing the infamous traitor Schaeffer from carriying out his infernal task . His plans are already failing : you are alive and that is what counts . You will come with us and you will know the end of the story , you will see the failure of his vain efforts to destroy the New Order --I assured with conviction .
– Very clear concepts and very admirable your faith , Von Sübermann – intervened Von Grossen trying again-- . But you haven ' t told me yet how we ' re going to find Schaeffer in this labyrinth of mountains , and with the Winter almost on . How will we look for him ? Do you think it is possible to randomly rake such a region ?
Really , I didn ' t have the slightest idea that would answer to those questions . Under the pressure from the Standartenführer , I only managed to propose :
– We must inquire the Kâulikas . Possibly they know the way to locate those who move through territories that are wel known to them .
Karl von Grossen took his head in his hands , realizing that his suspicions were well founded : I did not have the solution to the problem of finding Schaeffer . ( Mein Gott : if they failed in that goal , they wouldn ´ t even dream of returning to Germany !) That operation , Himmler and Heydrich had told him very clearly , could be a one-way trip . Failure was not allowed . If he failed , he had to star in a sort of harakiri or seppuku , the honorable ritual suicide of Japanese Samurais .
But Von Grossen , in addition to being tough , was a man of proverbial cold blood . Despite his apprehension , he said : – Good idea , Von Sübermann , we will try to put it immediately in practice . Without waiting for an answer , he unhooked the cloths from the tent and rushed to the outside , making vigorous frog jumps . Outside the blizzard was getting worse . I remained perplexed and went with him into one of the neighboring lopa tents . Contrary to us , who kept warm in the sleeping bags ,