THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 458

The Mistery of Belicena Villca To me , precisely , that deference caused me undeniable displeasure , perhaps because I had not fully understand what was happening around me : since I was kidnapped by the Ophites , during my childhood , until then , it had taken place the phenomenon that certain particular men perceived in me , or through me , a spiritual meaning that tore them from the material world and lifted them towards the highest cusps of the Eternal , Infinite and Uncreated Spirit . And that meaning came from a Sign that revealed itself in me , or through me , a Sign that the Ophites called " of Lucifer ", Konrad Tarstein , " of the Origin ", and the Kâulikas " of Shiva ”. The particular men who perceived it , according to Tarstein , and coinciding as I now see with Belicena Villca , shared with me the common Origin of the Spirit and carried in their Pure Blood , unconsciously , the Symbol of the Origin . That is why they perceived the Sign of the Origin in me ; in truth , they did not know it just now but they then recognized it , they projected it on me and then it became --conscious , discovering the Presence of the Spirit in Itself , revealing the Mystery of the Origin . But that meaning that I manifested , and that those particular men understood , was insignificant to me .
Strictly speaking , I should say non-significant because the Sign mattered a lot to me despite not being able to understand it , not being able to cover its content with the conscious mind . And that intellectual impotence was the cause of the disturbance that it still caused me to verify that certain particular men perceived it . I could tolerate it , as in the case of the Kâulika Pagoda , but I always came out of the experience badly .
This time , to the disturbance of feeling transcended by the meaning of the Sign , was added the effect of the incredible knowledge that the Kâulikas had about the Inner Ear . How did they find out that I had that faculty , a product of the charismatic power of the Führer , is something I never knew . But Von Grossen was fascinated with the subject , his doubts dispelled after the unusual explanation of Srivirya , and the matter of the Inner Ear had not escaped him . As soon as we settled in the tent , he asked straight out : – What the Hell is that of the Scrotra Krâm , Von Sübermann ? – I ' m sorry my Standartenführer --I said on the spot , and not without roughness-- but I cannot answer you that question . I ' ll tell you , yes , I ' ll do everything I can to carry out the idea of the Kâulika monks . If it is true that the Daivas dogs are able to trace Ernst Schaeffer , rest assured we will find him . I will work from now on to find the solution to the problem , and I will use if necessary the Scrotra Krâm . It ' s all I can say .
Von Grossen ' s eyes sparkled but , as usual , he kept his cool and didn ' t bother me anymore . I certainly couldn ' t speak with him , about the Inner Ear , because Konrad Tarstein had taken my word that I would only do it with " members of my own Circle "; and a sixth sense warned me shouting that Von Grossen was not .
That night , when everyone was asleep , I decided to " use the Scrotra Krâm ”, that is , to communicate with the Voice of Captain Kiev . As the first time , as always , it didn ' t take long for me to be inundated with Wisdom . I thus understood that the bijas of the Yantra not only allowed to emit a set of fixed orders , as Guru Visaraga revealed to me , but constituted an Alphabet of Power with which one could form “ any name of things created ”: the Kâulikas , evidently , knew that property but ignored the alphabetic key that ordered the 49 bijas and made possible the encoding of any word . However , it would not have been difficult for them to discover the Alphabet of Power by performing a cryptographic analysis of the " command words " for the Daivas dogs that appeared in their magic formulas .
Be that as it may , the truth is that the entirety of the secret had been revealed to me . I now knew a symbol , similar to the blueprint of a labyrinth , that applied to the Yantra endowed the bijas with a certain order , arrangement to which the words formed had to be adjusted . I verified it several times with the " words of command " from the Guru and , when I was sure not to make mistakes , I devoted myself to the task of translating the sentence " follow Ernst Schaeffer " in the Yantra svadi language .
Chapter XXX
At night the storm subsided and in the morning the sky appeared clear , no trace of the past storm . Even the wind had stopped for complete and the vayu tattva was serene : a total silence now reigned in the tiny valley . The warm rays of Surya , the Sun , barely melted part of the accumulated snow . But more radiant than the Sun was I , because , even though I hadn ' t slept all night , I was sure I had the solution to lead the Daivas dogs in the footsteps of Ernst Schaeffer , and that achievement stimulated and overexcited me .
Seeing me , Von Grossen did not need to ask anything to know that the problem was solved . Instead , he took care of sending a Lopa to relieve the Gurkha and notify him the location