THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 45

The Mistery of Belicena Villca ( from Nabu-So ); Wothan ( from Na-Vutan , Na-Wothan ); Odan or Odin ( from Nav-Odan , Nav-Odin ); Odiel or Odal ( from Nav-Odiel , Nav-Odal ); etc .
Five kilometers north of the citadel of Tharsis , in the system of the Sierra Catochar , is the Monte Char , a name that meant Fire and Verb in various Iberian dialects . At its top there was an ash forest that was venerated by the Iberians in memory of Navután : there the white Atlanteans had erected a huge menhir marked with His Vrune . They had planted it in the center of the forest , in a place that , strangely , was populated by a small group of apple trees . In the days of the Lords of Tharsis , only one survived of those apple trees , and no one could explain whether the others had dissappeared for natural causes or intentional felling . The one that remained was planted at about twenty steps from the menhir and you could clearly see that it was a tree several times centennial .
All pre-Greek Mediterranean antiquity knew of the existence of the " Apple Tree of Tharsis ", to which , the devotees of the Goddess of Fire used to undertake annual pilgrimages . In the beginning , indeed , the ash trees and apple trees were associated with Navutan and Frya , respectively . Later , after the blood alliance with the peoples of the Cultural Pact , the Priests consecrated the Apple Tree of Tharsis to the Goddess Belisana and they established the custom of celebrating the Cult at the foot of its ancient trunk . For that they built a stone altar composed of two columns and a transversal slab , on which the Perennial Lamp sat : that immortal fire represented the Goddess , and the Apple Tree the path to choose . As taught by the Priests , the Creator God wrote the Cult in the apple tree seed ; the tree was only part of the message referring to the destiny of man ; the flower , for example , amounted to the heart of man , the seat of the Soul , and its form , and its color , expressed the Promise of the Goddess ; but another part of the message was written on the rosebush and the Promise of the Goddess also shone in its flower , in its form and its color ; the apple tree and the rose bush were not only plants of the same family but actually consisted of a single plant : it was the Promise of the Goddess that divided the seed of the apple tree so that there were several different flowers , flowers that would reveal the path of perfection to those men who gave themselves to Her and embrace her Worship .
Of course , the myth that the Cult described would only be revealed by the Priests to whom they considered to be prepared for the initiation into the priesthood , that is , those who were also going to be Priests . The secret meaning of the Promise would be this : the apple tree and the rosebush corresponded to two states or phases of man ' s life , such as childhood and adulthood , for example ; when he was " like a child ", man had his heart similar to the apple blossom , which was white and rosy on the outside , and it was spreading foolishly ; when it was “ as an adult ”, that is , when he was initiated as a Priest of the Cult or when he was able to officiate as a Priest , the heart would be like the rose flower , which was the color of Fire of the Goddess and never fully deployed , except to die ; therefore , there was only one apple tree and many rosebushes in the world : because many would be the perfections that could be attained by the man who entered the priesthood of the Goddess ; the history of the apple tree was already written , instead , the history of the rosebush was always being written ; and the best part had yet to be written : they would come to the world , one day , men of such perfect hearts , that then the most beautiful roses would appear , such as never seen before on Earth .
With this explanation , it will be understood why the Priests had allowed an old pitimini rosebush to have coiled up like a snake on the trunk of the Apple Tree of Tharsis : undoubtedly , such an arrangement of the two trees was necessary to represent the secret meaning of the Cult . The ritual forced to worship the Fire of the Goddess and admire the apple blossom , wishing intensely for the Goddess to fulfill the Promise and the heart of the Priest become like the flower of the rosebush . But the people , who habitually ignored this interpretation of the Cult , went from everywhere to the Apple Tree of Tharsis to make their offerings before the Altar of Fire of the Goddess .