The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Trade between Iberians and Phoenicians
Seventh Day
The Sierra Morena is part of the Marianic partition that separates the South of Andalusia from the rest of the Iberian Peninsula ; from the Mediterranean , off the Balearic Islands , up to Monte Gordo at the mouth of the Guadiana river , its relief has an approximate length of six hundred kilometres . At the western end , giving rise to the Odiel river , drawn from East to Southwest is the Sierra de Aracena , on one of whose hills is located the Templar castle to which I will refer later . Numerous chains of smaller mountain ranges extend further south : one of them is that of Río Tinto , where the river of the same name comes from ; another is that of Catochar , seat of the main mines of the House of Tharsis . The rivers Tinto and Odiel descend towards the Gulf of Cadiz and converge , a few kilometers before the coast , forming a wide estuary . In the strip of land between the two rivers , on the mouth of the Odiel , the fluvial and maritime city of Onuba has been located since ancient times , today called Huelva . And about twenty-five kilometers from Onuba , Odiel above , was the ancient citadel of Tharsis , in the surroundings of the current town of Valverde del Camino .
The Tinto river , or Pinto , receives that name because its waters turn reddish , stained by the iron ore collected in the Sierra de Aracena . The Odiel , on the other hand , has always been a sacred river for the Iberians and that is why they identified it with the most important Vrune , which designates the Name of Navutan , the Great Chief of the white Atlanteans . Apparently , Navutan meant Lord ( Na ) Vutan , in the language of the white Atlanteans ; the different Indo-German peoples who participated in the Blood Pact , but then fell to the Strategy of the Cultural Pact , concluded that it was a God and worshiped him under different Names , all derived from Navutan : thus , it was called Nabu