THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 46

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
When my ancestors acquired the rights to the Lordship of Tharsis , which was then very small and devastated by the recent war against the Phoenicians , naturally they took over the Local Cult , although they lacked a Perennial Lamp . They practically did not introduce reforms regarding the Promise because they accepted as a fact that the heart was related with the apple blossom and that the worship of the Goddess would cause a transmutation analogous to the rose flower . Only in Regard to Fire could be appreciated the first visible effect that the family mission was having on the Lords of Tharsis ; they added the word " cold " to the title of the Goddess , that is , that Belisana was now " the Goddess of Cold Fire ". They explained that change as a local revelation of the Goddess . She had spoken to the Lords of Tharsis ; in the communication , she affirmed that it would be Her Fire that would be installed in the heart of man and would transmute him ; and that this Fire , at first extremely warm , would eventually become colder than ice : and it would be that Cold Fire what would produce the mutation of human nature .
We must see in this change something more than a simple addition of words : it was the first time that in a Cult emerged the possibility of facing and overcoming fear , that is , the feeling that in all Cults assured the submission of the believer ; the fear of the Gods is necessary and essential to be kept alive to ensure the terrestrial authority of the Priests ; If man does not fear them , in the end he will rebel against the Gods : but before he will rise up against the Priests of the Gods . However , this change will not be seen if something that is not so obvious today is not clarified before : the fact that in all Indo-Germanic languages " frio ” ( frigid , froze , freeze , fresh etc .) and " temor " ( fear , fright ) have the same root , which can still be sensed , for example , in escalo-frío ( de terror ) shiver ( of terror ). Well , in that time , the word " frio " was synonymous with " terror " and , consequently , what the new Cult meant was that a nameless terror would settle in the heart of the believer as " Grace of the Goddess "; and that this terror would cause his perfection .
Thus Belisana , the Goddess of Cold Fire , had also become the " Goddess of Terror ", a title that , although the Lords of Tharsis could not know it , belonged in very remote times to the same Goddess , because Navutan ' s wife was also known as “ Frya , The One Who Instills Terror in the Soul and Relief to the Spirit ”.
After their arrival in the Iberian Peninsula , the Golen tried in numerous occasions to occupy the Sacred Forest and control the Cult of the Goddess of Cold Fire , but they were always rejected by the jealous and stubborn mystical madness of the Lords of Tharsis . They even offered an authentic Perennial Lamp of the brown Atlanteans , knowing that they lacked it and that they were forced to constantly watch over the flame of their primitive oil lamp with asbestos . It is not necessary to clarify that they offered it in exchange for the unification of the Cult and the institution of the ritual Sacrifice , and that such a proposal was unacceptable to the Lords of Tharsis , which is obvious at this point in the story . As it is also evident that this resistance , unusual for those who had imposed themselves on all native peoples , coupled with the impossibility of seizing the Wise Sword , was festering them permanently against the Lords of Tharsis . The reaction of the Golen triggered that international campaign encouraging the conquest of Tharsis that culminated in the dangerous attempted Phoenician invasion from the Balearic Islands and Gades , or Cadiz . But the Lords of Tharsis summoned the Lydians and made the Phoenicians desist from their conquering project for at least the next four centuries . From the alliance between Iberians and Lydians arose the " Empire of Tartessos ", which soon expanded throughout all Andalusia , " Tartessos ", and deprived the Phoenicians of coastal colonies in their territory . The Balearic Islands and the island of Leon , seat of Gades , were isolated from mainland because the Tartessians only allowed them to maintain a meager trade through its own ports . What would the Golen ' s next reaction be in the face of that power that was developing beyond their control and that frustrated all their plans ? Before answering , dear and , paradoxically , patient Doctor Siegnagel , I must inform you of the consequences that the presence of the Lydians produced in the Cold Fire Cult .