The Mistery of Belicena Villca beyond the reach of the magic spells of the Golen . There was no other alternative for these , according to their demonic designs , than to seize by force the Wise Sword and subject the House of Tharsis to the penalty of extermination .
This was , Dr . Siegnagel , the real reason for the continuous state of war in which the Lords of Tharsis should live from now on , which meant the definitive loss of the illusory sovereignty enjoyed until then , and not the " greed " that foreign peoples and conquerors could have fed for their riches . On the contrary , there did not exist in the whole world a King , Lord , or simple adventurer of war , whom the Golen would not have tempted with the conquest of Tharsis , with the fabulous loot in gold and silver that would be won by whoever attempted the feat . And it was their intrigues that caused the constant siege of bandits and pirates . While they could , the Lords of Tharsis resisted the pressure using their own means , that is , with the help of the warriors of my people . But when that was no longer possible , especially when they learned that the Phoenicians of Tire were gathering a powerful mercenary army in the Balearic Islands to invade and colonize Tharsis , they had no other way out than to accept the help , naturally interested , of a foreign people . In this case they requested help from Lidia , a Pelasgian Nation of the Aegean Sea , composed of distinguished sailors whose overseas vessels docked in Onuba two or three times a year to trade with the people of Tharsis : they had the defect that they were also merchants , and producers of expendable merchandise , and were accustomed to practices and habits much more “ Culturally advanced ” than the “ primitive ” Iberians ; but , in compensation , exhibited the important quality that they were of our own Race and they showed an undeniable ability for warfare .
By " Pelasgians " History has known a group of peoples settled in different regions of the Mediterranean and Tyrrhenian coasts , of the peninsula Aegean , and Asia Minor . So , to find a common origin in all of them , I have to refer to the Beginning of History , to the times after the Atlantean catastrophe , when the white Atlanteans instituted the Blood Pact with the natives of the Iberian Peninsula . In truth , then there was only one native people , which was separated according to the exogamous Atlantean laws into three large groups : that of the Iberians , that of the Basques , and that of those who would later become the Pelasgians . In turn , each of these large groups was internally subdivided into three in all the tribal social organizations of the villages , towns and Kingdoms . That unique people would be known after the departure of the white Atlanteans as Virtrions or Vrtrions , that is to say , cattlemen ; but the Name did not take long to become Vitrions , Vetrions , and , under the influence of other peoples , especially of the Phoenicians , in Verions or Gerions . The " Giant Geryon ", with a pair of legs , that is , with a single racial base , but triple the waist up , that is , with three bodies and three heads , comes from an ancient Pelasgian Myth in which the original people are represented with the triple exogamous division imposed by the white Atlanteans ; over the centuries , the three big groups of the native people were identified by their particular names and forgot the original unity : the rivalries and intrigues stimulated from the Cultural Pact contributed to this , ending each group convinced of their racial and cultural individuality . I have already mentioned the Iberians , because of them I descend , and I will continue to quote them in this story ; I will say nothing about the Basques except that they early betrayed the Pact of Blood and allied themselves to the Cultural Pact , error that they would pay with much suffering and great strategic confusion , since they were a people of Very Pure Blood ; And as for the Pelasgians , the case is pretty simple . When the white Atlanteans left , they were accompanied en masse by the Pelasgians , who had been entrusted with the task of transporting them by sea to Asia Minor . There they said goodbye to the white Atlanteans and decided to remain in the area , eventually leading to the formation of a large confederation of peoples . Successive invasions forced on many occasions to abandon their settlements , but , as they had become excellent navigators , they managed to come out well of all trances : however , those displacements would