THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 40

The Mistery of Belicena Villca where it was known from old , a Cult of worshipers of the phallus . But the Golen did not come from Phrygia or India but from the Land of Canaan and did not practice castration or phallus worship but plain and simple sodomy : they had banished the woman just as their God had dethroned all the Goddesses ; led a lonely life and often exempt from pleasures , except ritual sodomy , which represented the Self-Sufficiency of Him .
Logically , while the Golen were extremely tolerant towards the form of the Cults , and the only thing they did not compromise on was the unity of God in the Sacrifice , it is understood that they manifested predilection towards the peoples whose Cults were personified in male Gods and certain contempt for goddess worshipers . In the very short term , this attitude of indifference or contempt , if not outright rejection , that the Golen dispensed to the Goddesses , was going to collide with the particular form that had acquired in my Iberian people the Cult of Belisana .
But they certainly had the support of the Powers of Matter . Otherwise its success would not be explained , since in relatively little time , they managed to dominate the peoples of Hispania , and even those of Hibernia , Britannia , Armorica and Gaul . Despite the growing power of the Golen , their sinister doctrine would have done no harm to the Lords of Tharsis , always ready to accept whatever contributes to perfecting the practice of the Cult . It was not the Sacrifices to The One that determined the fate of my family but another activity that the Golen carried out with great energy : they sought , by all means , enforce the second part of the Cultural Pact . That is to say , although it was no longer necessary to wage war on the peoples of the Blood Pact , since they were culturally defeated , many megalithic works of the white Atlanteans remained intact , and that constituted “ a sin that cried out to Heaven ”. " The peoples of the Cultural Pact failed to meet their commitments with the Gods and that guilt would be severely punished ”; however , and luckily for them , there was a solution : to practice the Sacrifice with the utmost rigor and to support the Golen in the fulfillment of the mission . In other words , native peoples should now consecrate themselves to the Sacrifice , sacrifice themselves and sacrifice others and , as a reward , the Golen would free them from the Divine punishment by executing They Themselves the destruction of megalithic works or their neutralization . This would be everything , if it wasn ' t for the Gods had issued a warning and whoever ignored it , would risk being mercilessly destroyed as a lesson to men : what was not going to be forgiven in any way from now on , because the Patience of the Gods was exhausted , was the memory of the Blood Pact and the search for the Wisdom . This was the forbidden , the abominable in the eyes of the Gods . But what was most forbidden , and most abominable , an irredeemable sin , was undoubtedly wanting to preserve the Stone of Venus . Whoever did not voluntarily surrender to the Priests of the Cult , or the Golen , the Stone of Venus , would suffer the sentence of extermination , that is , would pay for it with the destruction of his kindred , with the annihilation of all members of the Lineage .
Needless to say , the Golen seized , very early , almost all of the Stones that were still in the hands of the native peoples . Unlike the Priests of the Cult , they only sent some to the White Fraternity : others were reserved for use in acts of magic , for they boasted to know its secrets and to be able to use them in benefit of their plans ; and they called them , pejoratively , snake eggs . The Lords of Tharsis , of course , never trusted the Golen or were intimidated by their threats . But the Wise Sword was a reality that had become a popular legend and one that could not be seriously denied : the Golen suspected , from the first moment , that there was a secret vestige from the Blood Pact in that weapon . Since the Lords of Tharsis did not agree to give it up voluntarily , and it could not be bought at any price , they decided to apply all the resources of their magic against them , the diabolical powers with which the Powers of Matter had endowed them . And here the Golen ' s surprise was huge because they verified that those powers could do nothing against the insane Fire that ignited the blood of the Lords of Tharsis . The madness , mystical or warrior , that distinguished them as unpredictable and untamed men , also placed them