THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 42

The Mistery of Belicena Villca bring them again in the direction of the Iberian Peninsula ; in the moment that the alliance with the Lydians takes place , 8th century B . C ., other Pelasgian groups already occupy Italy and Gaul under the name of Etruscans , Tyrrhenians , Truscans , Taruscans , Ruscans , Rassena , etc . The group of Lydians summoned by the Lords of Tharsis , still remained in Asia Minor , although at that time enduring a terrible food shortage ; recognized by traditions the close kinship that united them to the Iberians , but claimed descent from the legendary " King Manes ", ancestor who would be none other than " Manu ", the perfect archetype of the animal man , imposed in their Cults by the Priests of the Cultural Pact .
Once the agreement was reached with the ambassadors of the King of Lydia , which included the usual exchange of princesses , dozens of Pelasgian ships began to arrive at the ports of Tharsis . They came full of fearsome warriors , but they also brought many settler families willing to establish themselves definitively among those distant relatives , who had so much fame for their wealth and prosperity . That peaceful invasion did not excite too much my people , but they could do nothing because they all understood the imminence of the “ Phoenician danger ”. Danger that disappeared as soon as these noticed the change of situation and evaluated the cost that the conquest of Tharsis would now have .. For this time the Golen were outwitted ; but they wouldn ' t forget the Wise Sword , nor to the Lords of Tharsis , nor the sentence of extermination that weighed on them .
In those circumstances , the alliance with the Pelasgians was a success from every point of view . The Lydians were among the first peoples of the Blood Pact who had beaten the iron taboo and knew the secret of casting and forging : at that time , iron swords were the most powerful weapons on Earth . However , despite being notable merchants , they never sold an iron weapon , they only produced them in fair quantity for their own uses . Instead , they made a large number of bronze weapons for the sale or barter : hence their interest in settling in Tharsis , whose premium quality copper vein was known since legendary times , when the Atlanteans crossed the Western Sea and mined copper with the help of the Ray of Poseidon . The copper had hardly been mined by the Lords of Tharsis , dazzled by the gold and silver that bought everything . The association with Lydians essentially modified this criterion and introduced a novel lifestyle : the one based on the production of cultural objects on a large scale intended exclusively for trade .
A dissuasive stone wall was built around the ancient citadel of Tarshis , which the Pelasgians called Tartessos and ended up giving name to the country , with a perimeter now encompassing an area four or five times bigger . The old citadel had been transformed into a huge market and in the new fortified spaces , workshops and factories emerged day by day . Fabrics , dresses , footwear , utensils , pots , furniture , gold and silver objects , copper and bronze , there was practically no merchandise that could not be bought in Tartessos : and except for tin , essential for the bronze industry , which was obtained in Albion , everything , even food , was produced in Tartessos .
Obviously under the influence of the Cultural Pact , the alliance between my people and the Lydians culminated in a civilizing explosion . Very soon the old Manor of Tharsis became " the Tartessian Kingdom " and , in a few centuries , it expanded throughout Andalusia : the Tartessians then founded important cities , such as Menace , today called Torre del Mar , or Masita , which the Carthaginian usurpers renamed Cartagena . Its fleet became as powerful as the Phoenician and its trade , highly competitive for the better quality of products , managed to seriously jeopardize the Red Men ' s economy . It was not until the 4th century BC , due to the Greek colonization and the expansion of the Phoenician colony of Carthage , that the mediterranean commercial and maritime supremacy declined somewhat for the Tartessians .
I must insist that being close relatives greatly facilitated integration with the Pelasgians . This could be verified especially in the case of the Cult , where there was almost no difference between the two peoples because the Lydians also worshiped the Goddess of Fire , whom they knew like Belilith . In a few words :