The Mistery of Belicena Villca
It may seem very difficult for someone to be faced with a similar dilemma , but for me that was the question when considering the necessity of receiving “ external aid ”. Because this help would be , above all things , " Spiritual help ", and that help could only come from “ the beyond ", from a World transcendent to matter and man . And this is where I had stopped perplexed in the past : that " other World " which God governs ? which is the true Religion of the Spirit ? who are their representatives on Earth ? where is the Door to God , to the World of God , to the Homeland of the Spirit ?
For many years I searched for the truth of these questions , but never as now I was faced with an extreme situation in which the need to discern was incompatible with ordinary life . Well , I was sure , I could no longer go further in my life without finding an answer ; I was 36 years old , but at least for 15 years I ' d been “ looking ” for answers . In that search I had traveled a winding road that did not disdain the intellectual heights of Philosophy and Science , nor the irrational abysses of Religions and Sects .
I remembered that at first I had been proud to have a " western " training . Prepared in an environment of crude rationalistic scientism , there were times when I came to blindly trust that the methodologies of the empirical research were the only way to obtain true knowledge of the universe . But the years passed , anguish appeared that could not be reduced by any " methodology " and then I considered the possibility of exploring other knowledge paths .
I went through a thousand philosophical and religious tendencies in that search ; read hundreds of books and practiced many different Cult rites . But it always happened the same ; while theories and dogmas , expressed in all ways imaginable , were at least worthy of respect , the same could not be said of the organizations that supported such ideas . Unless one was blinded by a fanatical faith , one ended up discovering " behind " the Orders or Sects – or simply of the “ Leaders ” -- , the subaltern and unspeakable purpose ; the inadmissible and intolerable bond .
These hidden purposes , I was discovering with indignation , obeyed three modes of operation of the synarchic forces : a " military " mode , a " political " mode , and a " religious " mode , without this classification implying order of importance or appearance . The " Synarchic Secret Societies ", I will use this generic name , could behave according to one , two , or all three modes mentioned , and tend firmly to the fulfillment of their secret purposes . Ultimately , I began to suspect , they were all united in a common goal : obtain control of the Planet , favor the seizure of world Power by a hierarchical group of men . Naturally , that then I was unaware , until reading the letter of Belicena Villca , that the recipients of the universal effort of the Synarchy were the members of the Chosen People . But here ' s what I was checking : Intelligence Services of any kind and country , " military " mode of the Synarchic Secret societies , are in charge of infiltrating all possible organizations , including sects or religious churches , when they do not control them directly , as is the case with the Church of the Latter-day Saints ( Mormons ) that is skillfully managed by the C . I . A . The International Marxism , Trotskyism , Zionism , etc ., " political " modes of the Secret Societies , they are after hundreds of innocents organizations that serve as a facade for them . And within the " religious " modes there are thousands of groups or small groups controlled by the Synagogue , the Protestant Churches , Islam , Buddhism , and even the Catholic Church . And always the ultimate goal is to form a spectrum as wide as possible to cover all ideological variants and capture all the dissidents of the Great International Lines . " No one should be left out of the control of the Synarchy " seems to be the slogan that guides them .
The discovery of this black reality , underlying under false promises of elevation and spiritual progress , led me to that state of " absence of ideal ” that I defined in another part of the story . From there I continued to live more or less normally and I even became interested in Anthropology , but the reaction to past misleading experiences led me to systematically mistrust the " good faith " of socially organized institutions . I came to feel spontaneous disgust when making contact , for the first time , with some association whose declared purpose --I guessed it immediately-- was betrayed in a veiled way in favor of its international hidden tendencies .
I definitely did not trust any earthly organization as intermediary between a Higher Spiritual Order and the Material World .
Considering what has been said , the dilemma that was posed to me at that time will be better understood : to fulfill Belicena Villca ' s request , I should face a Secret Society of Druids , men who possessed terrible powers as it turned out from the letter and from the statements of Professor Ramírez , and I would even run the risk of attracting the attention of the Immortals Bera and Birsha , who would kill me in the blink of an eye . This was no game ! I had to , at the time , seek help against Them ; and that help could only be spiritual , supplied by beings who shared the objective of the mission , that is , by adherents of the Hyperborean Wisdom . But where were such beings ?
In truth , I seriously believed that to undertake the mission with chances of success , something concrete was needed , which was not a matter of sitting to pray or waste away in metaphysical